...you must learn how to make others succeed. This is THE most important rule in network marketing ...
I 'm Rune Simonsen, and I'm a fellow network marketer and a teacher who specializes in team building. These are two professions which is in my case are married to each other. I love to teach, and have one recommendation above everyone else: Never stop learning. To learn is the lifeblood to everyone, especially to us networkers.
I started with network marketing a couple of years ago, only to find myself tattered after having done everything I was told to do from my upline, bothering my friends and family trying to persuade them of this "incredible opportunity". Something I have learned is that there is not one thing that is an opportunity if you don't know how to make it one. An what is worse is that if you are told how to make it to be one by someone who is clueless. The networking industry is brimmed over by people who are clueless concerning marketing. I'm not opposed to MLM in any way, but the weak leg in many MLM firms is the promoting. Making phone calls to your family, friends or anyone aren't promoting. That's bothering. I believe the networking model is the best way to create wealth, because your own earnings are dependent on that others prosper. I would be the first to warn you about joining firms that can survive by just taking your hard earned cash and then leave you with plain advice about cold calling everyone. There are so many scams out there, but you can learn to do great business by helping others to succeed.I have set out to create a business by not selling, but by giving. I give something I have gained through very hard work, my knowledge about how to make others prosper. I am totally dependent on that others succeed, and that is the true beauty about the networking business model.
...learn how to make real wealth in an ethical and honest way. high ethical values are key values here... I am sure you would agree with me on this: It doesn't matter that you have the best product in the world from a network marketer's point of view. Presenting a new and great product only presents a new problem for him: How shall I sell it? That is why I love funded proposals : It provides a way for my fellow marketer to earn money even before other networkers join your main business. Without a system, a new "inceredible opportunity" just presents a headache to the networker.