Campaign for a New Workers' Party profile picture

Campaign for a New Workers' Party


About Me

Had enough of cuts, closures, privatisation and war?

We need a party for the millions not the millionaires!

A new party of the working class is needed to take up issues such as cuts in hospital services, school closures, attacks on working conditions, reductions in pensions rights and other such matters that affect our every day lives. A new workers' party could put forward a programme that properly takes account of environmental issues, fights racism, opposes war, withdraws troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and does not give in to the profit motive of the fat cats!

Join the Campaign for a New Workers' Party today!


CNWP conference 2008

On Sunday 29 June, 300 people filled the main hall in South Camden Community School in London to round off a very important weekend for the labour movement in Britain and to address the central question facing workers in Britain today: How can we fight for a working class political voice?

This third conference of the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party (CNWP) had the opportunity to assess the stage the campaign is now at, and to debate a number of resolutions that were put forward. The conference was preceded in the morning by a debate between different left currents, on the way forward for the left and the fight for a working class political voice.

See for reports and videos of the speakers.


Clear win for Socialist Alternative candidate Dave Nellist in Coventry council election

Chair of the CNWP and Socialist Party councillor, Dave Nellist, has been re-elected with a clear 300 vote lead over Labour.


None of the establishment parties call for:

Troops out now!

We need a new mass party that's:

For the millions, not the millionaires!

Anti-war, anti-cuts, anti-privatisation!

Five years ago, millions of ordinary people took to the streets of London in opposition to the threatened invasion of Iraq. Tens of thousands of Labour Party members tore up their party cards in disgust at Blair & Brown’s actions. It's not just the war that repels people; on the question of public services, pay, union rights, pensions, council housing and much more, the Blair-Brown axis has overseen a fundamental change in the nature of the Labour party. Bluntly, it's now a party for big business and the super rich.

The big anti-war demo on February 15 2003 offered a chance to redress the balance in British politics - if the call had been put out to launch an anti-war, anti-privatisation, pro-public services party from the platform, then on that day alone tens, if not hundreds, of thousands would have signed up. Unfortunately, this was a missed opportunity, but the fight for such a party is still going on.

A new mass party that stood for the millions, not the millionaires would be a powerful ally to the anti-war movement and also act as a focal point for struggle against cuts, privatisation and all the other attacks that we face.

It seems simple really: if the bosses have now got three parties, isn't it about time we had one of our own? If you agree, sign up to the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party today.