About Me
PRE-ORDER THE DEBUT LUKE LEIGHFIELD SINGLE FOR £2!After over 300 gigs, radio sessions for Huw Stephens (Radio 1) and John Kennedy (Xfm), and two albums, Luke Leighfield is finally releasing his debut single on June 16th 2008! The release is limited to 500 copies on 7" and download, and is a co-release between our friends at Banquet Records (Tellison, Dave House) and ourselves. To pre-order the single now on 7" for just £2, please head on over to www.banquetrecords.com .============================================
============================================Got Got Need Records is a record label. We are not interested in trends, fads, Kate Nash clones, generic indie bands, artists who spend more time and money on their photos and clothes than their songs, and myspace pages littered with spelling mistakes (it's called a spellchecker - please use it). We are interested in meeting artists who work hard, play hard, and write good songs. And we have a soft spot for generic pop punk. We don't have a lot of money so don't get in touch if you want a back page advert on the NME every week, six months in a recording studio in LA, and loads of bitchez 'n' coke. If that hasn't scared you off, please drop us a message or email luke@gotgotneedrecords.com.In other news, we were Huw Stephens' DIY label of the week on Radio 1, 28/02/08. Also, we were asked to host our own stage at The Great Escape Festival in May 2008. Lovely.============================================
============================================-Luke Leighfield is writing hits-to-be for his third album, scheduled for a winter 2008 release.-Tim and Sam's Tim and the Sam Band with Tim and Sam enter the studio over easter to record their debut album. It will be massive, and is set for a winter 2008 release.-No-one is quite sure what Sam Isaac is up to. Man of mystery. We do know that he's releasing his second single 'Fire Fire' in March though, through another label. They're good, but they're not Got Got Need.-The SH Davidson album is presently delayed because of Stephen's busy-ness with his ever brilliant band Tellison. It will surface in 2008, promise. Maybe.-The Careful With That Axe Eugene EP is delayed for various complicated reasons.-Lastly, Matt Randall has been speaking lots in preparation for his debut release. He is as profound as ever.============================================
============================================CAMERON STEWARD AND THE SPENCER SPRING TWO HUNDREDSCameron Steward (and the rest of it) is a folkin' awesome twenty two-year-old singer songwriter who has a penchant for writing a clever hook whilst looking like the singer from Clutch. Joined by his band, Cameron makes something that kind of sounds like a poppy Billy Bragg complete with saxophone and wit. He's so good that he was signed after his first show. He also makes beautiful art and the like. His debut release will come whenever he's ready.CAREFUL WITH THAT AXE EUGENECareful With That Axe Eugene is the stage name behind which twenty one-year-old Kate Williams, of Northampton, UK, hides. Normally a part of the seven members of The All New Adventures Of Us , this EP will see Kate become a songwriter in her own right. This release will no doubt serve as a refreshing alternative to manufactured mainstream female artists, with Kate emerging from the UK independent scene, armed with her own stories and stunningly beautiful voice. Her debut EP is coming in 2008. Listen .KID COSMICKid Cosmic are three young tykes from the Hertfordshire ghetto, setting the UK positively ablaze with their alternative / progressive / punk / whatever mash-up of three-way harmonies, virtuosic musicianship, and most importantly big hooks. Since self-releasing their debut album Are You Satisfied? they've been cramming themselves in a Renault Clio and touring hard around the UK. Got Got Need hopes to release their second album at some point before 2010. Listen .LUKE LEIGHFIELDLuke Leighfield is a twenty-year-old piano troubador, who at the time of writing has racked up 250 gigs in just over two years as well as releasing two albums and countless other bits and bobs, in addition to studying for a degree in English and Music! We have just released his second record, Fan The Flames, an example in pop bombast with a british twist for fans of Ben Folds, The Rocket Summer and Queen. Hooks aplenty are melded together by saxophone solos, epic strings, soaring brass, funk bass, overblown drum fills, guitar solos and an intimate, original vocal style. Got pop? Listen .MATT RANDALLMany of you will know Matt Randall as the handsome, charming and simply brilliant tech for Sam Isaac, Luke Leighfield and countless other bands. His style and wit is second to none and his wisdom surpasses that of any other creature. With this in mind he has decided to gift the world with his knowledge in the form of a spoken word record. Got Got Need doesn't know what it will contain, but it does know that it will be life-changing. Listen .SAM ISAACFollowing the release of twenty one-year-old Sam Isaac's debut mini album Sticker, Star & Tape Got Got Need released Eighteen Nine : Early Recordings, a twenty song collection of Sam's early work, including the now out of print Compass Scattered Love EP. These songs span three years, from when Sam was the main songwriter in his high school band in Malvern, UK, through his early university years in London, right up to summer 2006. Sam's songwriting brings to mind artists such as Ed Harcourt and Pete Yorn, and this CD displays a prolific and consistently high quality output from one so young. As Sam moves on to bigger and better things, with festival appearances, radio play and increasingly more hookers 'n' coke, it is super to be able to listen to what made Sam the babe he is today. Listen .SH DAVIDSONSH Davidson, or Stephen to his friends, is a twenty-year-old songwriting genius from Edinburgh via Cambridge, UK. Far removed from his day job as singer and guitarist of "indiemo" outfit Tellison this album shows Stephen's softer folk 'n' country-gone-pop side, taking in reference points such as Bright Eyes and Pedro The Lion. Stephen is far from your average singer songwriter, utilising intricate guitar lines, atmospheric piano and synths, and a plethora of other instruments in addition to his distinctive voice to write music that will warm your soul like it warms ours. His debut album Danger My Ally is coming early 2008. Listen .TIM AND SAM'S TIM AND THE SAM BAND WITH TIM AND SAMTim and Sam's Tim and the Sam Band with Tim and Sam (gasp!) are the latest addition to the Got Got Need family. We met them in Manchester and instantly fell in love with their heartwarming melodic post-rock, which takes you gently by the hand and wraps you up in its sheer loveliness. The six(ish) piece are bursting with talent and a multitude of instruments, and with an average age of nineteen the future is looking super indeed. We are dead proud to be releasing their debut album in winter 2008. Listen .