Music, literature, language and culture, the ocean, sparkly things...soooo very many interests!And one more thing...
Anyone and everyone kind and creative! :)
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Anna Nalick - Breath 2 AM
Adrina Thorpe
Check out Mandi Perkins' Page & Music
Please Give Her a Listen and ADD Her to Your List of Friends.
Click the Picture to View Her Page
Music is life, life is musical.
The Harry Potter series...oh yeah. :D Besides that, sooooooooo many, from indie to Fred and Ginger and Casablanca to testasterone like Die Hard and Con Air...a LOTTA films!
Heroes (who doesn't - LOL), Alias, X-Files, a cancelled (darnit!)show called "Miracles", Lost, Supernatural...
Harry Potter! Guy Gavriel Kay, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Roger Zelazny, Steven King, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe...
My parents and my brother and sister-in-law, my dear friends, all the amazing artists I'm getting to meet and know.