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When we played softball, I'd steal second base, feel guilty and go back.

About Me

virginia- vipi gigi pivi vivi vi virgi viva gini virchonda Nata il 24 aprile a Recco (ge). Da piccola svenivo sempre, in più un’altalena di ferro mi è finita sul naso alla tenera età di due anni. Tuttora custodisco la cicatrice gelosamente.Ho frequentato la scuola media nel bel mezzo della noblesse albarina, in quelli che sono stati senza ombra di dubbio I tre anni più brutti della mia vita.Ho iniziato lo scientifico nel 1997.un secolo fa. il liceo scelto sarebbe stato il cassini, come tutte le mie sorelle, d’altronde, sezione G, bilingue inglese-francese. Peccato che la nostra professoressa di francese parlasse più uno strano dialetto siciliano che la nobile lingua di Guy de Maupassant, impedendomi di impararla comme il faut (frase che peraltro diceva sempre). Uscire dal cassini è stata impresa piuttosto ardua, soprattutto perché non ero esattamente la pupilla dei miei professori- per motivi a me tuttora ignoti. Maturità- decisamente il momento più ansiogeno degli ultimi anni. Sebbene avessi un tifo da stadio alle spalle, I professori non sono stati magnanimi, facendomi uscire con un voto vergognoso.Settembre 2002 inizio finalmente l’università, che mi ha dato non poche soddisfazioni, soprattutto perché ho avuto a che fare con persone che mi hanno “testato” sulle conoscenze e non su parametri esclusivamente soggettivi. ho passato il test d’ingresso (come?) con la lingua inglese e mi sono iscritta ai corsi di russo e spagnolo. Non esagero, quando dico che sono perdutamente innamorata della lingua russa. Mi laureo in giugno 2006, con una tesi triennale di traduzione dal russo all’italiano, sul conflitto russo-ceceno. La commissione sembrava piacevolmente impressionata dal mio studio a riguardo, tanto che mi è stato attribuito un voto decisamente superiore a quello che mi sarebbe spettato. Io superfelice. Per una volta dopo anni di crisi di autostima, finalmente un traguardo superato con dignità. Settembre 2006 inizio un master di traduzione a Piter, dove tuttora vivo, Non ho assolutamente progetti per il futuro e cerco di allontanare la mancanza di prospettive più in là possibile. continuo a rimpiangere di non aver coltivato abbastanza la mia passione per la lingua francese ma chissà forse un giorno finirò in canada e me ne approprierò |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||| virginia- vipi gigi pivi vivi vi virgi viva gini virchonda A few lines about myself – I was born not far from genoa (italy) in april 24th ,1983. As a child, I was used to faint, noone actually being able to know the reason. When I was 2, an iron swing provided my nose with a lovely little scar, which I’ve been boasting for all these years.The middle school I was attending was placed in the very bourgeois centre of my own town and all my classmates were some nasty lads playing tennis professionally at their small age, already. It was probably the worst time in my life.In 1997 I entered the college, or more properly called Scientific High School, majoring in French and English. Unfortunately, my teachers didn’t love me that much and I hardly got my diploma in june, 2002, achieving an awful final mark, which was quite unjust. The commission didn’t even take into account the large, good-looking audience which attended my spoken performance, it was actually very impressive and supporting. really good fun. really awful score.After this 5-years-sore I finally applied for a three years course in Translation and Interpreting offered by the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Genoa University with majors in Russian, English and Spanish. This would get me far more gratifications than the high school. I was glad to finally get to know and having to deal with people who judge and appreciate you according to which your actual knowledge is, taking no care at all of you being dressed like a freak. I graduated in summer 2006. My dissertation was basically a translation from Russian into Italian, dealing with the Chechen clash in southern Russia. The commission seemed to be very positively impressed by my language skills. For once, I was awfully proud of myself. And I got a pure dead brilliant score, by the way…In September 2006 I moved to saint Petersburg, where I’m now attending a master course on translation at the State University.I cannot deny my love for Russian language and for any other language code which is different from mine. I would love to have a knack for all the languages I’m supposed to know, seriously thinking I’ll never be able to speak Russian in a proper way, though.I’ll never forgive myself for leaving my French knowledge aside, so I’m planning to probably move to some French-speaking country (possibly Canada?) for a while, pretending I’ve never stopped learning it.No plans for an immediate future. I’m supposed to be living in saint Petersburg another year, say till summer 2008. God knows what will be after this.

My Interests

i would say i'm kind of infatuated with FOREIGN LANGUAGES- i could spend hours listening to some french/english/russian whatever mother tongue speaking to me travelling. do some writing,possibly in english or russian getting to know new music as well as enjoying some old cool stuff reading (some old cool stuff) taking photographs and finally learning to use my old fashioned ZENIT! design,contemporary art, graffiti acquiring a new knowledge from these weird northern countries/inhabitants..

I'd like to meet:

Ehm, look. Sorry, sorry. I just, ehm, well, this is a very stupid question and... , particularly in view of our recent shopping excursion, but I just wondered, by any chance, ehm, eh, I mean obviously not because I guess I've only slept with 9 people, but-but I-I just wondered... ehh. I really feel, ehh, in short, to recap it slightly in a clearer version, eh, the words of David Cassidy in fact, eh, while he was still with the Partridge family, eh, "I think I love you," and eh, I-I just wondered by any chance you wouldn't like to... Eh... Eh... No, no, no of course not... I'm an idiot, he's not... Excellent, excellent, fantastic, eh, I was gonna say lovely to see you, sorry to disturb... Better get on... Carrie: That was very romantic. Charles: Well, I thought it over a lot, you know, I wanted to get it just right.A VERY VERY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU U THIS IS POETRY I DAMN LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTbut now i don't care i could go anywhere with you and i'd probably be happy


ANYTHING BUT METAL OR TECHNO could basically work,from indie to electronic to brit pop rock pop trip hop funky acid jazz hip hop rap -listening to some piano tunes i find it very attractive and relaxing at the same time


i cento passi - leon - american beauty - the sleepers


friends i simpsons scrubs


il ritratto di dg notti bianche


jean reno (in leon), woody allen, i monty python

My Blog

massimi sistemi

Pétersbourg è incredibilmente raffinata di questi tempi.musica di archi gentili melodie timida brezza nordicami guardo intorno -affascinata dalla poesiae tutte quelle lucinee i discorsie i baci mal c...
Posted by vivine on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:51:00 PST

hey you

once more i've been dreaming of you.where are you?hey you, you think you'll be able to trouble my dreams for how long still?huh?it was lovely. it was intimate and distant at the same eyes are ...
Posted by vivine on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 05:14:00 PST

we can do it

one has gotta move,to achieve something in his ridicoulous existencei find no way to make plans and that's nice on the one hand though it scares me most of the timeyou think you're simply too immature...
Posted by vivine on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:06:00 PST

really really?

i fear i miss you.really really?yup.really really.and by the way,not simply.desperately.
Posted by vivine on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 03:49:00 PST

no way

how long is it going to be like this?i miss everything. i miss the past. i miss the way i used to be a few years ago.i miss my clumsy way of addressing to way to relieve sore. i can't help b...
Posted by vivine on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:05:00 PST

skype e oggetti semiotici.

quindi..evviva la tecnologia.e godiamoci la possibilità di potere sentirci quando e come vogliamo,sebbene annulli qualunque emotività, o la trasformi in oggetti semiotici.
Posted by vivine on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:45:00 PST

i just wake up..

i just wake up ,a slightly irritating feeling of guilt feels like i compromised something very easily behaving like a foolish just for fun just for tryin' feel somehow close to the permanent thought w...
Posted by vivine on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 04:04:00 PST

desperate longing to share other people's thoughts

not to forgetrunning under the snow,looking for someone feeling close one to another on an awfullywhitely wet russian nightsmiling like crazysmoking a cigarette on skype with some not-well-enough-iden...
Posted by vivine on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST

finding a new light

nice,the way you immediately feel some attraction to a blank paper standing in front of your sick eyes-sick of ordinariness desperately searching for some quiet desperately feeling the lack of someone...
Posted by vivine on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:13:00 PST

cool bloody scottish weather

i feel fine my mood has changed cool bloody scottish weather this time doesn't bother cause all i can think at is you i mean positively without panicking or bloody scottish weather.
Posted by vivine on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 09:48:00 PST