got milf? profile picture

got milf?

mypace referals get a got milf? t-shirt, go to look for the paddymelt discount!!!!

About Me

are you a hot mom? is your friend"s mom hot? maybe you just love to look at all the hot mom's at the mall, the beach, the zoo? i know i do, and that's why i sell these shirts (window stickers also available) to get one of these shirts for that special someone, or for the hot mom in your life go to myspace users get a discount by typing in p-a-d-d-y-m-e-l-t

My Interests

moms i'd like to fu#*

I'd like to meet:

moms i'd like to fu#*


"the end" by the doors


american pie


the brady bunch (if i were greg, i would have done florence henderson too)


mommy dearest


ted nugent. he's a rocker, and he's done a lot of moms.