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About Me

I am a playwright who writes to provoke the audience into thinking about things that make them uncomfortable. Two of my current plays are:TO THE DEATH OF MY OWN FAMILY is an intensely dramatic nonlinear play about an Afghan-American woman who returns to Afghanistan to help her father escape, only to witness the carnage of her entire family. Upon her return to the U.S., she is detained, interrogated, and forced to justify her journey in order to reclaim her citizenship. It is about people caught between cultures and how they suffer when human rights are violated. It has been traveling around the country for over two years in short play festivals and independent productions, and back and forth in the city many times as a one-act play.9/12, a full-length play was part of the Impact Festival presented by the Culture Project in New York City last September. It begins with the unexpected death of a Middle Eastern graduate student. It then engulfs an American writer after a random baggage check on a New York City subway, and his Asian American wife, the student's teacher, who become the subjects of an investigation after the attack on the World Trade Center. As a result, their privacy and civil liberties are violated in the name of Homeland Security because of circumstances both past and present which, under normal conditions, would not raise questions in a free society, but which now cumulatively threaten their family, careers and lives. It has a fabulous multi-ethnic cast.CREDITS: Finalist in the O'Neill National Playwrights Conference, Stageworks/Hudson's 2005 Play by Play Festival (NY), Claire Donaldson Short Play Festival (SD), Mercy Plays (The Haven, NYC); Honorable Mention: Fred Newman-Mario Frattti Anti-Corruption Play Writing Award/Castillo Theatre (NYC). Work has appeared in front of audiences at Abingdon Theater (NYC), Ensemble Studio Theatre (NYC) – Summer Conference, Theatre Artists Workshop (Westport, CT), Westport Community Theatre (Westport, CT), Ohio Theater (NYC-Theatres Against War), Book Traders Cafe, (New Haven, CT), Herring Run Arts Festival (Middleboro, MA), Theatre One Productions (Lakeville, MA), Puffin Foundation (NJ) and New Jersey Dramatists, 13th Street Rep. (NYC), Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD), Darien Players (CT), Pan Asian Rep., (NYC), Lone Star Ensemble (LA), Cabaret for Peace & Justice, Hunter College (NYC), PS 122 (NYC-THAW), Heartlande Theatre Company (MI), SLAM!@The Tank (NYC), The Culture Project’s Impact Festival (NYC), Nuyorican Poets Café (NYC), North Park Playwrights Festival (San Diego, CA), Cornelia Street Cafe (NYC), Bowery Poetry Club (NYC), Mo Pitkin’s (NYC), Abrons Arts Center at the Henry Street Settlement; NU Ways/NU Works Festival (U. Nebraska), with more to come, dates to be confirmed.India: MetroPlus Theatre Festival, Chennai; Ranga Shankara Theater, Bangalore; Adishakti Theater, Pondicherry; and in Mumbai: National Center for Performing Arts, Prithvi Theater, and the National Gallery of Modern Art, where we nearly had a riot when we had to turn people away. In order to avoid the chaos, we did a second, unplanned performance .Nepal: Kathmandu International Theatre Festival 2008, with interest in other countries, as well.Memberships include: the Dramatists Guild, Theatre Artists Workshop (CT), Playwrights Center (MN), Educational Theater Association, and the Academy of American Poets.

My Interests

Writing, teaching, reading, life in other countries and cultures, living in other countries and cultures, languages, pool, walks on the beach, bike rides, bookstores and cafes around the world, and the influence of Cubism and Jazz on Non-Linear Theater. Oh ... Not sure what I'm talking about? See my play, TO THE DEATH OF MY OWN FAMILY.

I'd like to meet:

People who think life is good just the way it is, because I defy you to attend one of my plays and return home feeling safe and secure. People interested in theater, literature, poetry, and the movies. People who want to be challenged and get their blood flowing, People who want to be entertained at a mindless movie with a $20.00 box of popcorn and a $30.00 soda whose only thoughts are: It couldn't happen to me.I'd also like to meet The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed Ali, Orson Welles, Minnesota Fats, Willie Mosconi, Salma Hayak, Barak Obama, Nicholas D. Kristof, Bruce Lee, Keith Olbermann, among others.


Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, Louie Armstrong, Louis Jordan, Pearl Bailey, Eartha Kit, Nina Simone, Itzhak Pearlman, The Group that plays in the arcade of Place de Vosages, Paris, B.B. King, Bob Dylan, Janice Joplin, The Doors, The Stones, The Beatles, Queen, Meatloaf, Grace Potter, The Temptations and everything in Classic Rock.


Those that go deeply into character, make you think or entertain you with intelligence: Syriana, Glory Road, Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland, The Departed, The Illusionist, The Godfather I&2, Goodfellas, A Bronx Tale, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ray, Chariots of Fire, Ave. Montaigne, The Commitments, Rawanda (HBO), The Remains of the Day, Mrs. Brown, Some Like It Hot, Rocky Horror Show, Into the West, John Sayle's movies, The Lives of Others, and many more.


The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, The L Word, Resurrection Blvd., Barbershop, Carnivale, The Wire, Street Time, The Shield, "I, Claudius," Masterpiece Theater, Keith Olbermann, Ted Koppel, Tim Russert, Lou Dobbs, Sunday Morning, PBS, and probing documentaries. 24 is ridiculous. Keifer Sutherland gets stabbed in a "nerve cluster," has a foot-long steel needle shoved up his spine, then kills a guy with his bare teeth, unties himself, runs out of captivity, and goes on to destroy a terrorist network. Yeah, right. Ever stub your toe? Ever been in a car accident?


Charlie Wilson's War; Hunchback of Notre Dame, Song of Solomon, Sula, Bluest Eye, Kite Runner, Kaaterskil Falls, The Chosen, Shantaram, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, T.S. Elliot, W.H. Auden, Allen Ginsberg, Langston Hughes, reg. e. gaines, Sekou Sundiata, Catch 22, Confederacy of Dunces, Picasso, Vol.2 by Richardson, Picasso and the Invention of Cubism by Pepe Karmel, Walter Mosleys's books, and many more.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mohammed Ali, the Police and Firemen who went into the World Trade Towers on 9/11.