Missigena Sounds profile picture

Missigena Sounds

No Babylon!!!

About Me

Missigena Sounds é uma ferramenta musical itinerante, criada pelo baixista potiguar K. Celino (aka Braadubb), cuja missão principal é divulgar raiz e cultura para todos. Braadubb está envolvido com a música reggae desde 1995, mas as atividades culturais só foram iniciadas em 2001 quando surgiram as primeiras produções musicais junto à banda Monte Sião (Natal-RN). A equipe de som potiguar n° 1 especializada em reggae veio a consolidar-se apenas em 2005 com o suporte e a "rastitude" de Ras Meza (aka Lula meets dub). Hoje as atividades são direcionadas exclusivamente às produções independentes, à promoção da música reggae e à constante atualização do arsenal usado para transmitir a Mensagem. Revelam-se nesta transmissão a forte influência do dub de vanguarda e a mistura da música de raiz, da psicodelia e da positividade às palavras de consciência, paz e meditação transmitidas em meio as potentes linhas subgraves. Um microfone, alguns efeitos e muitas pedras pesadas rolando nos toca-discos são as idéias. Novas propostas para levar a cultura "soundsystem" à juventude dos guetos serão sempre bem vindas. Divulgar o reggae em seus fundamentos é o nosso objetivo, sempre caminhando em frente com muita fé em Jah.
Missigena Sounds is a traveller musical tool founded by the potiguar bass player K. Celino (aka Braadubb) to disclose roots and culture for all. Braadubb is involved with reggae music since middle of the nineties but the cultural works were only started in 2001 when the first musical productions had appeared within Monte Sião band (from Natal-RN). Shortly afterwards (2005), alongside Ras Meza (aka Lula meets dub) on support, the number one potiguar reggae specialist sound crew was consolidated. Today the activities are exclusively directed to the indie productions, to the reggae music promotion as well to the constant update of the armory used to transmit the Message. That transmission reveals the strong influence by vanguard dub and mixes the root music, the psico and the positivity to the words of conciousness, peace and meditation transmitted by the drives among the heavy bass line emanated. A microfone, some effects and lot of heavyweight rocks playing in the decks are the ideas. New proposals to lead soundsystem culture to the ghetto youth are welcome. To divulge the reggae music in its beddings is our principal mission, always walking forward with faith in Jah.
[email protected]
+55 11 91467284
Missigena Broadcast Section
Stay tune on TAFARI RADIO for dubwise and otherwise.
Just click on download and enjoy. Jah Bless!
Tafari Radio - Rootwizes (3-2-2008)
Winston Rose – Soweto (Reggae On Top 10”)
Peter Broggs – Higher Ises (Lush Records 7”)
Daweh Congo – Mr. Society (Charm 7”)
Chazbo – Four Noble Truths (Reggae On Top 10”)
Jah Free – Stringed Instruments (Universal Egg 12”)
Jah Mason – Most Royal (Jah Warrior Records 7”)
Sister Rasheda – World Crisis (Rasheda Lionness Music 12”)
Earl Sixteen – True Rastaman (Cultural Warriors Music 7”)
Barry Issac – Babylon City (Reggae On Top 10”)
Sis Sanae – Sufferin (Deep Root 7”)
Selah Collins – Real Rebel (Dubwise Productions 10”)
Mixman – Falasha Dance (Blakamix International 12”)
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Tafari Radio - Skunkin' inna digital (20-12-2007)
Observer All Stars – Dealing dub (Observer 12”)
White Mice – Try a thing (Intelitec Muzik 7”)
King Kong – Babylon (Firehouse 7”)
Robert Lee – War is not the answer (Lionvibes 7”)
I Wayne – Living in love (VP Records 7”)
Chuck Fenda – Jah is worthy (VP Records 7”)
Andrew Bees – Life in the ghetto (Basic Replay 12”)
Beekle Bailey – Jah alone (Shocking Vibes 7”)
All Campbell – Loose ball (Xterminator 7”)
Major Irie – Keep on running (Wackie’s 12”)
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Tafari Radio - Jah Shaka Music inna 33 & 1/3 styla (10-12-2007)
Disciples – The lion dub (Shaka 938)
Disciples – Soloman (Shaka 924)
Icho Candy – Rastafari (Shaka 948)
Firehouse Crew – Rastafari dub (Shaka 941)
Winston Jarrett – Jah is my guiding star (Shaka 654)
Twinkle Brothers – Give us the power (Shaka 917)
Max Romeo – Woe be unto them (Shaka 951)
Jah Shaka – All things (Shaka 777)
African Princess – Jah children cry (Shaka 857)
Twinkle Brothers – Jungle (Shaka 846)
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Tafari Radio - Tuffs to Jah yute (7-12-2007)
Ritchie Mcdonald – Hard road (Warrior Records 12”)
Wire Lindo – African sound (Warrior Records 12”)
Fred Locks – Voice of the poor (Lloyd Coxsone Outernational 12”)
Delroy Williams – Think twice (Rockers International 12”)
Johnny Clarke – Babylon (Jah Shaka Music 12”)
Naggo Morris & Trinity – Susu pan rasta (Joe Gibbs 12” )
Creole – Jah creation (Channel One 7”)
Senya – Rootsman (Impact 10”)
Trevor Byfield – Burning bush (Rootical Dubber 7”)
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Tafari Radio - Braadubb inna wicked (30-11-2007)
Kenny Knots – Dread lion (Hydroponics 10”)
Idren Natural & Munky Lee – Farover (Black Wheat Sounds 12”)
Danny Red – Jah is here (Ababajahnoi 7”)
Rick Wayne – Almighty Father (Pathway to Freedom 12”)
Fish Goat & Suffurah – Warm the Nation (Sound N Pressure 12”)
All Nation Rockers – Once inna Dubtime (Sound N Pressure 12”)
King General – Some People (Dub Ology Records 12”)
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Tafari Radio - Roots selections (07-07-2006)
Barrington Levy – Jah help Us (Thompson Sound 7”)
Ricky Grant – The way it was (Kaya Greenleeves 7”)
Eek A Mouse – Lonesome journey (Jah Guidance 7”)
The Gatherers – Words of my mouth (Orchid 7”)
The Upsetters – Nymbia dub (Orchid 7”)
Michael Rose – Born free (Boss 7” )
Asher & Tremble – Humble yourself (Rockers 7”)
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My Interests


Member Since: 4/1/2007
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Posted by Missigena Sounds on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:44:00 PST

ROOTS DUB LPs à venda! (ROOTS DUB LPs for SALE!)

Check this link and find some KILLA and RARE ROOTS REGGAE DUB items! Brazilian bredrens can contact me direct on [email protected] http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZreicelino Raspectfully!...
Posted by Missigena Sounds on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 07:59:00 PST

Confira as últimas atualizações da RADIO TAFARI!!!

Visite periodicamente a estação mais underground do Brasil e ouça o melhor do Roots & Culture. DOWNLOAD GRATUITO @ www.myspace.com/missigenasounds   Tafari Radio 6  Rootwize...
Posted by Missigena Sounds on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:19:00 PST

Temporada Roots & Culture em Viçosa-MG / 6, 7 e 8 de Março!

6/3 - Missigena Sounds inna resistência Staila @ DCE - UFV / 13-20 hs+ MC Jah Wise + Ras Petrus (escaleta em fogo)7/3 - Missigena Sounds inna Long session @ Canbojah / 21 hs + Seiva Reggae ao vivo+ MC...
Posted by Missigena Sounds on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 11:12:00 PST