Assistant Director on a short drama entitled " Spice of Life"(1995)Directed and Produced by Joey Marten. Camera operator on a Cable T.V. program "Our Community" Directed by Rick Nolte and Produced by Channel 12/TKR cable system(1997).Director-Producer, editor and camera operator on "Cat's the Movie"(2000)and "Explore"(2000).Director/Producer/Camera Operator and Editor( along with Jack Ballo of )of " The Forge"(2005), and Director/Camera operator/Producer and Editor(Along with Jack Ballo) of " New Years 2007" in the year, you guessed it,2007. I am also a member of Exit 131 Video/Film group.In 2008,i compleated "Our Weddig: Patrick and Nikki"(Producer-Director-Camera and Co-Editor along with Jack Ballo I am also the Creator and Moderator of the New Jersey Documentary Forum.myspace layouts - Get this layout - photoshop tutorials