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Brian Jude

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hey there! I'm Brian Jude. I live in Passaic, New Jersey with my wife Melanie , my son Jacob, and my cat Zoe.
Check out our family adventures on The Jacob & Daddy Show - . Got an iPod? Subscribe to the show via iTunes by clicking on the iTunes link on the player! Or subscribe to my blog to catch new episodes.


I am an independent film & video producer/director. Check out my production company, Dragon Rider Productions , for details.

Add Dragon Rider Productions as a friend!

Here's some live concert clips I directed and produced: Friday's Child: Live at Luna Stage :

Opening Titles/"The Chasing Game"
"The Story of You"
"Everything She Said (Black Cat/White Cat)"
"Coyote"/End Credits

Add Friday's Child as a friend!

Check out live videos of Friday's Child and great other artists at Digital Cafe Tour , which I produce and direct.


Add DCT as a friend!

Here are a few films I have produced:Under the Raven's Wing, written and directed by Susan Adriensen .

View the trailer .
Add Under the Raven's Wing as a friend!

The Blood Shed, written and directed by Alan Rowe Kelly .

View the trailer .
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The Pod, directed by Jeremiah Kipp .

View the teaser trailer .
Add The Pod as a friend!


I am also a musician, having studied voice for three years at Montclair State University , and I play the bass drum in the Tappan Zee Bridgemen . (That's me, way in the back!)

Add TZB as a friend!


I am a proud member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair and have been a Unitarian Universalist since 1995.

I don't know how many times I've heard someone say, "I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual," or "I'm not comfortable with organized religion." Chances are, if you've felt that way, you probably haven't experienced Unitarian Universalism.

Look for my Custom Weddings website coming soon!


I am also a Master of the Temple of the Jedi Order , which also gives me clergy status. My "Jedi name" is Bri-Yinn Juud.

Check out the worship service I presented at the Unitarian Church of Montclair - "The Wisdom of Yoda" .


I am a member of The Devil Hunters , a group that meets to study and investigate sightings of The Jersey Devil .

If you've ever come into contact with a bi-ped creature anywhere between 3 to 7 feet tall, with a head like a horse, a face like a dog, large, bat-like wings and a long tail, or have seen hoofprints on a snow-topped roof, or have heard something that sounds like a woman's "blood-curdling scream," then I want to hear from you!


I also moderate a few Yahoo Groups:

*If you are a Jersey-based filmmaker, check out Exit 131 Productions .

*If you are a Jersey-based actor, check out Exit 131 Actors .

*Finally, if you enjoy humorous, tough-skinned political debate, check out Re: Thursday . Note: We're in dire need of right-wing conservative viewpoints here. We had a few, but most of them eventually dropped. Couldn't take the pressure, I guess?) I'm also going to duplicate some of my Re: Thursday posts in my myspace blog.

Please note that if you would like to join any of these groups, I moderate the membership rather strictly. Please make sure you tell me how you came across the group, why you want to join, etc. The Exit 131 groups also have an questionnaire that should be automatically sent to you after you request membership. Please reply to it, or let me know if you do not receive it. Thanks!


Here are some of my favorite podcasts. Check 'em out, subscribe, and add them to your friends!

The Overnightscape
MySpace Page
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Big Kev's Geek Stuff
MySpace Page
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FLIC(K) – Feature Length Idiotic Commentary (with Ken)
Ken's MySpace Page
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The Paunch Stevenson Show
MySpace Page
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Watching the Directors
Subscribe via iTunes

Ask A Ninja
MySpace Page
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MySpace Page
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Movie website:



Image by Zac

Let the countdown begin! .********************************************

Make me feel loved!!! Subscribe to my MySpace Blog !!!********************************************

If you've grown bored with my profile, play Pac-Man ..!



Every now and then I hear something funny that I think should be a band name or an album. Then I forget about it. I want to remember them. So I'm starting this list which I will update time to time. Please feel free to add, and I'll credit you! Oh, and let me know if there actual bands or albums with any names listed!

Band Names:

Mercury Retrograde (see below!)
Greenwater (Inspired by The Artist Formerly Known As Lumbi )
Satan's Bedpan
The Stinky Pinkies (complements of Scott Allen Miller - from eons ago!)
The Cake Spreaders
Cyclops Sun
Delayed Green
The Al Gore RhythmAlbum Names:

I Draw The Line At Apples (Thanks to Carrence )
No Room for Jello (Probably have to change it to Jelly with an umlaut !)
Transient Dime
The Flip Side of Nowhere
Shirley's Temple
Mental Cramps
Five Legged Penis (Courtesy of Tom Walker )
PHATROSOTIKOL (Inspired by Frank Chu )
Her Name Was Cliffy Pfoffy (Courtesy of Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape )
Chemical Pee Pee (inadvertently inspired by Frank)

Along similar lines, thanks to my friend Steve, you can now check out The Worst Band Names Of '07 ! And yeah, some of them are downright awful!


What is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde 2008
Retro Station Direct Station Return
23 Aquarius 49
Mon, Jan 28 8 Aquarius 19
Tue, Feb 19 23 Aquarius 49
Mon, Mar 10
21 Gemini 31
Mon, May 26 12 Gemini 59
Thu, Jun 19 21 Gemini 31
Fri, Jul 4
22 Libra 50
Wed, Sep 24 7 Libra 38
Wed, Oct 15 22 Libra 50
Fri, Oct 31

My Interests

Film and video production, Star Wars, The Jersey Devil, religion, music, politics.

I'd like to meet:

In general, The Dalai Lama.

Otherwise, on MySpace, I'm looking for old friends, current friends, new friends, and anyone who shares my interests.


This doesn't cover it gammut, but the main ones are:

Friday's Child , Dark Marbles , Carrie Engdahl , Vic Hennegan , "Weird Al" Yankovic , They Might Be Giants , Jim's Big Ego , Tenacious D , U2 , Talking Heads , Metallica , Kiss , Led Zepplin , Pink Floyd , Anthrax , Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath , The Dead Milkmen , The Beatles and John Lennon , The Rolling Stones , Joe Jackson , Squeeze , Bob Geldof and Boomtown Rats and many, many more - lots of classic rock, heavy metal & classic 80's stuff, basically.Oh, and this is just the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life:


Again, this is but a tiny sampling:
Star Wars (entire saga, yes even the prequels), the Harry Potter series, the Back to the Future trilogy, UHF , L.A. Story , When Harry Met Sally , Empire Records ("Damn the man!"), Real Genius , This Is Spinal Tap , The Fisher King , Annie Hall , Sleeper , Play It Again Sam (and many other Woody Allen favorites), A Beautiful Mind , Cocoon , Splash (and several other Ron Howard flicks, Taxi Driver (which I think should be a comic book series), As Good As It Gets (which I think should be a sit-com), Yellow Submarine


LOST, Family Guy, Friends, Sifl & Olly (when is it coming back????)
.Jimmy Kimmel rules!


The Harry Potter series, The Tao of Pooh , The Dharma of Star Wars , several Stephen King books ( Pet Semetary , The Stand ... a few others from the '80's) - I read more books on the film industry than anything else.


Ken Marlo , David Perez , Bob Geldof , Bono , Cindy Sheehan , just about everyone on Air America Radio :
Randi Rhodes (not the dead guitar player),
Al Franken ,
Rachel Maddow ,
Sam Seder

My Blog

NYC Doula Service

My good friend Lauren has a new web site for her doula service:'t know what a doula is? Check out the FAQ:
Posted by Brian Jude on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 08:14:00 PST

The Jacob & Daddy Show Episode 1: Turtle Back Zoo - 4/15/08 - FINAL VERSION

Finally finished the episode!Also, now the show is available via iTunes so you can watch it on your iPod! Go to and click the iTunes link.Many more episodes to come - ...
Posted by Brian Jude on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:56:00 PST

The Jacob & Daddy Show - Episode 2: New York City - (Revised)

Made some slight edits... .. Join Jacob & Daddy on fun-filled excursion through the Big Apple! Starting in Newark on the PATH train to the World Trade Center, viewing Ground...
Posted by Brian Jude on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:46:00 PST

The Jacob & Daddy Show - Episode 2: New York City

FINALLY! Episode 2 is up and running! ..Check it out on Jacob & Daddy on fun-filled excursion through the Big Apple! Starting in Newark on the PATH tra...
Posted by Brian Jude on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

Follow-up Videos on the Devil Hunters

Here are some more videos culled from the additional footage shot by the NBC-40 crew from Atlantic City. Cool stuff!* Phenominal Week Why January is so important in Jersey Devil lore.* The Shourds' Ho...
Posted by Brian Jude on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:12:00 PST

Jacob & Daddy Show - Episode 1 - Turtle Back Zoo - 4/15/08

I've been toying around with doing a video podcast - the Jacob & Daddy Show. We've done some "test episodes" with Jacob & I in our "living room studio," as well as events like holidays, birthdays, tri...
Posted by Brian Jude on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:00:00 PST

Barack and Me

Saw Obama at the Meadowlands today. I stood about 75 feet to the right and behind him. Found a video of it. Of course, I'm spending most of my time here sending text messages to Melanie & my Twitter f...
Posted by Brian Jude on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 07:06:00 PST

NBC40 Atlantic City covers the Devil Hunters

Last Saturday was the first hunt that The Devil Hunters had for a couple of years. We had the honor of being joined by a team from NBC40 (WMGM-TV) from Atlantic City.   Check out their on...
Posted by Brian Jude on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:40:00 PST

Happy Iowa Day!

Been tracking this site all night in between working on a major project for my company: (Don't know if it'll still be live after tonigh...
Posted by Brian Jude on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST

Jeeze, I ACTUALLY signed up for Twitter now!

I don't know why, but I did it anyway.'m sure 90% of my posts will be, "I'm still at home, sitting in front of the computer."But hit me up if you're into the whole tweeti...
Posted by Brian Jude on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 08:48:00 PST