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Bishop Linda C. Shearrill

I am here for Networking

About Me

Bishop Linda C. Shearrill is anointed to teach God's word. She believes in the commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel...," but she also adheres to the promise of Christ, that He would leave us a comforter, which is the Holy Spirit... It is in this great commission that she is lead by the directing of the Holy Spirit in visions; and as Angelic Angels are present in the miracle crusades and during the anointed services. The Holy Spirit leads her, as many miracle healings of all sorts occur within the services. It is her tremendous burden for commission of "Reaching the World for Christ." Armed with the Word of God and the encouragement of her pastor, Chief Apostle Richard D. Henton; she is the founder and presiding prelate of the International Deliverance Outreach Ministries, Inc., a Global Network Ministry Bishop Linda C. Shearrill resides over more than a hundred and seventy churches throughout the Midwestern Region of the United States, Foreign Countries which include South Africa, Uganda East Africa, Rwanda Central Africa, Botswana Southern Africa and India. Thirty-seven years of effective ministry service is represented with the current year 2007, while more then twenty three years of Pastoral Services is clearly identified through this year also. She is a member in good standing at Monument of Faith Church for more then 30 years. She is also member of Monument International Church Assemblies under the auspice of Apostle R. D. Henton. She services on the MICA Advisory Board and is the secretary and Editor of the Voice of MICA Newsletter. She is also a member of the Joint College of Bishops. She also servers on the Board of Directors of Women's Ministry Alliance of Chicago. She is the hostess of Last Days Outpour Telecast and Radio Broadcast which Aires weekly throughout the United States. In an effort to "Reaching the Lost At All Cost," Bishop Shearrill Travels extensively throughout the country and also into foreign lands, to minister the word of God and bring the healing presence of Christ to God's people. God uses her under a "prophetic anointing" with signs, wonders and miracles following. (See the book of Acts chapter 19 verse 11-12). There are literally hundreds of testimonies where tumors have disappeared, cancers have dissolved, and many other varying forms of diseases, illnesses and malfunctions having vanished without any systems or traces. Hundreds are being set free from drug addictions and abuse, while others are receiving Christ into their hearts as Lord and Personal Savior. She attended Roosevelt University and Logos Bible College International where she received her Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. She is also the recipient of the Apostles' Award in 2006. Bishop Shearrill is known for her consistent but fervent "reliance upon the Holy Spirit" and respectfully, a "life of prayer and humble submission" to God and the services of His people.

My Interests

Traveling throughout the world reaching the world for Christ before the coming of our Lord.

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JESUS .... .... ..
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Posted by Bishop Linda C. Shearrill on Tue, 20 May 2008 12:23:00 PST