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About Me

Voted most popular in her senior year at Rezin Orr High School , Carolyn D. Bibbs, was destined to a life in community service.As a native Chicagoan and a National Honor Society student, a solid foundation was laid for further academic achievement at the University of Illinois College of Nursing. She graduated in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing with a specialty in Neonatology. Carolyn furthered her career at Presbyterian St. Luke Hospital in the Special Care Unit as a nursing consultant, providing support to mothers and fathers of premature newborns.In June 1984, Carolyn Bibbs married Apostle Richard D. Henton, Pastor of Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church, a non-denominational congregation of more than 4500 members, currently engaged in a multi-million dollar building project. Carolyn is a supportive wife and shares the vision of her husband as they work together in ministry to provide a catalyst for change and facilitate opportunities for people from various socio-economic backgrounds, improving their quality of life and breaking cycles of destruction. They have one daughter, Frances Melodie.Although her chosen life profession was very satisfying, her marriage to one of Chicago's pioneering and prominent ministers required that she refine her efforts and direction to impact the lives of others by providing services that will equip and give them skills, while building the community as well as building lives. Carolyn Henton leads as intercessory prayer group weewkly. She is a strong and positive leader with the Youth ministry. She now host a radio program “Speak Up First Lady” heard on WBGX-1570AM every Monday at 6pm.. She also involves herself with mentoring young professionals along with being a mother and wife.Carolyn received her Masters In Theological Studies from Logos Bibles College and was ordained to the ministry in 1992. She was also ordained in June 1999 by Apostle Henton as an Elder of the Church. Her commission of Love and Compassion permeates the Body of Christ to compel men and women, boys and girls to come to Christ... Copied from --> Find me on MySpace and be my friend! flowers layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Denzel Washington, Oprah Winfrey

My Blog

Lady Carolyn wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Reunion Levitical Vocies of Monum
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 16:04:00 GMT