Are you tired?* Of your hair falling out because you don't listen to God?* Of changing your hair to make others feel better about you?* Of conforming to the world's standards of living, the way of dressing even the way your hairstyles should be?Go to all corners of the earth, and stand up and say I will no longer conform to the worlds stands in the name of Jesus Christ! Will you stand for God with me?Hair is womans beauty! Right? So why do we abuse it?If God can count every last hair on your head (Matthew 10:30). Don't you think he can show you how to take care of it?As a Christian woman 25 years of age a Licensed Cosmetologist. I am tried of seeing Christians conforming to the worlds view of fashion! What hairstyles are in what new shoes or sneakers they need this month.Being a Christian I care about the Christian community. I would like to see us have a new way to ware our hair, and not haveing to take from the world. Or take what the Devil has already made impure and say look it's something new.Yes Dread locs are not talked about in the Bible. But tatoos are (Leviticus 19:28). Just because you put a picture of two hands praying does not make it right. Your Body is the Lords Temple. Jesus he loves you and he will take care of your bodies.(1 Corinthians 6:13-19).We're in this world not of it!Rastafarian way of living is a straight rebellion against God. They have a different way of reading the Bible. Dreads or locs. It's still wrong.Let us not rebell against God any longer! Our lives and Childerns lives, as being children of Christ depends on it . I Love You But God Loves You more!
Donnie McClurkin, Papa San, Sherly Cesar
Gospel Regge, Christan, Comtempary Gospel
Time Changers, Color Purple
House of Pain, Seventh Heaven, Biggest Looser
The Penny,Cover Girl,Of Mice and Men
This was after Job was afflicted by the world's pains.Jobs wife said to him, "Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die." But Job replied, "You talk like a foolish (Godless) woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" So in all this, Job said nothing wrong (he still didn't sin against God).This encouraged me because things in my life did not pan out the way I would them to. But Gods plan is far greater than ours. I'm officially a Licensed Cosmetologist. God has given me the desires of my heart.I don't have everything I want but I do have everything I need. Job 2:9&10As it said in Job 1:21Job said, "I came naked from my mother's womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!"Amen