Vegan/Vegetarian cuisine, organics, travel, wine, beer, singing, Earth, health, animal rights, sustainability, eco-fashion, fair trade, yoga, strength training, snorkeling, skiing, bowling, clean air and water, my animal family, vegan recipes that *don't* contain bell peppers, vegan baking, spirituality, positive thoughts Member Badge
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Anyone interested in fabulous vegan food!
Fast Food Nation, Super Size Me, The Future of Food, An Inconvenient Truth, Raw for 30 Days, The Secret
The Traveling Vegetarian! Also, Food Network, Travel Channel, Fine Living, HGTV, The Simpsons, Futurama, Venture Brothers, Family Guy, American Dad, Weeds, Big Love, 30 Rock, The Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, Greg the Bunny
Skinny Bitch, The China Study, Veganomicon, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, The New McDougall Cookbook, The Alladin Factor, Eat Pray Love, Ask and it is Given
People who believe in their dreams and make them happen. Innovative vegan chefs. Vegan athletes. Organic produce farmers. Dr. John McDougall. Dr. Neal Barnard. T. Colin Campbell. I'm also a big fan of companies who send me free vegan food samples. :)