Other veg people...athletes interested in nutrition...other potters(haven't met one on myspace yet)...animal welfare minded people....and people that like to see a crapload of movies. Maybe even a cute vegan willing to marry me on the spot and let my spend all her money on my animal rescue/shelter, and pottery studio! I'm a great grab too since I'd be working at home, I'd cook three meals a day and have no problem being the domestic house dad/slave:) And don't worry...I won't spend your money on my bikes....thats why I work at a bike shop.I hope Natalie Portman, or Lauren Bush(no family reunions for me though) read this!!! Or even Keira Knightly but she's not vegan yet...she would be if she met me though...I'd give her a first date for sure and I'd tell her that if she wanted a second date she'd have to go vegan...the only problem is getting the first date...once thats out of the way...she's a shoe-in!!!***Vegans are a shoe in for friend requests not matter how wacky they are!!! If your a non-veggie and I don't know you message me first