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About Me

daughter, sister, friend, aunt, vegetarian, tree-hugger, disliker of germs and heights, night-owl, cat person, animal lover, laughter is the best medicine

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My Interests

cats, hiking, road trips, travel in general, photography, canoeing, drawing, reading, hot tea, good live music, dancing, painting, porch swings, trees, giggling fits, tiny houses, interesting rocks and shells

I'd like to meet:

open-minded, positive, progressive people who love life


Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, Radiohead, The Decembrists, Ben Harper, Tracy Chapman, Doug Martsch, One AM Radio, Bright Eyes, Rainer Maria, Blind Melon, Sun Kil Moon, Beck, Smashing Pumpkins, Sublime, Tenacious D, Azure Ray, Elsah, Al Green, Redstick Ramblers, The Beatles, The Who, Bob Marley, Cat Stevens, Natalie Merchant, Elliot Smith, The Bowmans, The Pixies, most classical music, a dollop of jazz, blues and funk, and of course the 80's pop I grew up on


I don't have the time to watch movies very often, but here are some of my all time faves: Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Waking Life, Goonies, Star Wars Trilogy, Farenheit 911, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Bryan, Raising Arizona, Flight of the Navigator, Rushmore, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, What the Bleep do we know?, The Science of Sleep


Ugh. Even though tv rots your brain, I like the occasional Simpsons and Daily Show/Colbert Report.


I love books!! Prodigal Summer, Pigs in Heaven, Perdido Street Station, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Green Man, His Dark Materials trilogy, America the Book, Stupid White Men, Life of Pi, The Nine Lives of the Cat Lady, Treehouses, Earth from Above. from my younger years: A Wrinkle in Time, Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, The Ordinary Princess


People of action not words, All who are working to make the world a more beautiful place. Also, Steven Colbert for his incredible performance in front of the Tyrant!

My Blog


That's right, me with my horrible fear of heights went hangliding! My mom wanted to go to celebrate her 50th birthday, and since my birthday is close to hers, she paid for my hangliding trip as my ear...
Posted by andrea on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 05:25:00 PST