Prayer. Hand knitting, deep tissue body work. Green growing things :) Gardening. Walking barefoot way out in the middle of nowhere. Listening. Dancing. Playing my flutes!
Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Natacha Atlas, AC/DC, Audioslave, Sarah McLachlan, Soundgarden, Rhea's Obsession, Kung Fu Sophie!! Sunny Amoreena is lovely. Anything with a female vocalist :)
V for Vendetta. The professional, The long Kiss Goodnight, My cousin Vinny all come to mind.
No thank you
Subjects that speak to my heart and mind. Radix and Wyvern by A. A. Attanassio, and anything by Elizabeth Zimmermann.
Holy Mary. Marian Fisher. Joan of Arc, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa. Padre Pio. Luther Burbank. Paramahansa Yogananda. Mataji. Sri Ramakrishna. The Lady Jane Grey. People who are quiet and courageous. Single parents. Anyone anywhere who stands up to being true to their heart no matter what the world presents. Heroes are my heroes.