Kusham profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"I love the beach and i live 10 minutes away from here:missy girl:here is another shot of miss thang again:

My Interests

Human Trafficking:Going to School in Palestine:Chocolate and Child Slavery:Child Labourers:What are Sweatshops:Child Labour:Sexual Abuse of Children:Dove Evolution:Dove for the Kids:The Unpleasant Truth – Child Slavery in the Chocolate IndustryAll Diamonds are Blood Diamonds:Darfur:..
Photo and video editing at www.OneTrueMedia.com

"President Bush, we urge you to implement a
NATO enforced No-Fly Zone over Darfur."

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I'd like to meet:

revolutionaries and Princess Sultana, Fidel Castro, Phoolan Devi, Zach De La Rocha and anyone else out there wanting to make a positive difference in this world, oh and my most favourite NZ celeb BOMBER, you rock baby!!!!! Keep sticking it to the man!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, System of a Down, Faith No More, Bob Marley, Metallica, Marilyn Manson


Blood Diamond, Human Trafficking, Osama, Motorcylcle Diaries, Bandit Queen, Salaam Bombay


huge Simpsons fan, History, discovery, animal channels, Arrested Development, South Park, Bro town


love to read, my most favourite would have to be the Princess Sultana trilogy, mayada, daughter of Iraq was awesome, loved Phoolan Devi aka India's bandit queen


Che Guevara, Princess Sultana, Phoolan Devi aka Bandit Queen, my family, anyone that sticks up for childrens/womens and animal rights and people that are part of the solution :)

My Blog

A profile of a trafficked woman

Testimony of Jill - this is not a personal story, its something that has really haunted me and needs to be shared so we can be aware of whats going on. "In 1981, I became a statistic: I became a runa...
Posted by Kusham on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:05:00 PST

friend requests - adding and denying

Hi there Just a short note about who I approve and who I wont, I don't approve everyone who wants to be a friend.  Mostly it's the musicians, if I don't like your sounds then I wont add and if y...
Posted by Kusham on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:15:00 PST

Not so cool facts about israel

  How can they keep getting away with this???...
Posted by Kusham on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:01:00 PST

Human Trafficking - What you can do to help

How YOU Can Help!!! TIPS FOR RECOGNIZING VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING - Understand the different forms of trafficking: labor or sex traffickingSex Trafficking Victims of sex trafficking are often found in ...
Posted by Kusham on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:03:00 PST