EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? profile picture

EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones?

You need a little EdGeRr in your life

About Me

songs at cdbaby.com edger itunes, rhapsody, napster, ect, and across the world at digital download sites. Kenny sommer plays most the music and writing also rich ashdwon,bob remington,jare rabin, lou zigoris, darl blues, blue, suede, matt fed, racheal katzman, william steffey, play lead guitar and some other parts

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My Interests


Member Since: 3/25/2007
Band Website: cdbaby.com edger, itunes, napster, rhapsody
Band Members: Live EdGeR soon! kenny sommer solo shows!!
Influences: the history of rock, blues, jazz, classical, and cave man sounds
Sounds Like: cake, nirvana, the replacements, local h, bob dylan, wilco, th dead, smashing pumkins
Record Label: sir real msuic
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

"Land Lord"

She wants a song written about her, so many girls ask me that, all the songs about love and beauty, sex, and romance. She's a sexy, singer, milf, cutty, hand cuffs and 3 ways. oh land lord, land lord,...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:03:00 PST

song "Redneck Darbe"

"Redneck Darbe"drinking and watching the nascar highlights, out for a smoke runs into treasure island tom, they smoke and talk of Toms gun shot, that got him in his wheel cheer. Darbe 's geting high a...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 06:07:00 PST

Many reasons why I hate Pres. Bush

yah we got to love that Bush is gone in jan 2009. Now if Mccain wins all the same. Is obama going to win, i sure hope so. Are economy is ugly, gas is so high, osama is alive, we are trillions in debt,...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 06:33:00 PST

Scene from "uncivil war"

 Dan alone in his chicago suburban mansion, feb 2012, US in a police state, 2 years into the great deportation, no elections have been held, the economy has stopped, the streets are gaurded with ...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:41:00 PST

science or intelligent design, digital world, new songs

Is it science or evolution, intelligent design an earth inconclusion yippie yah yippie yah yowalk the streets, citing in a cafe, in the mountains, in the ocean, another daydifferent opinions, religion...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:03:00 PST

"uncivil war" a movie idea and song

Summer of 2011, the great deportation has begun, streets are filled with violence, the immigrants won't leave the melting pot. its not safe in America, as the national gaurd checks id's . 15 million i...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST

relax, get together, find your weather

sports sets off energy, positive in most ways, unless you play golf, hitting that ball all over the course that costs all that money, and getting mad at every wrong hole, a 5,6,7,8, 101, 110, or a gre...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:41:00 PST

2 new songs for new cd, Farmer, new years night

"Farmers" American farmer works hard on his fields, corn, soy beans, a little cash crop of pot afgan farmers try to feed there tribe, taliban terrorizes them to make heroin, if not kill them and take ...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:06:00 PST


fucking care, or less, long nights stupid nights, love you ldaies. can't get up, be awake, see the good life, the good things, all waste, wasting my times, wasting your times, i got skills, but to man...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:42:00 PST

New songs, "Digital world, Science or evolution"

We're living in a digital world, information world,camera world, digital world Wii Fii signals bending are minds, speed of light internet connections, multi task with your ipod on GPS to guide you and...
Posted by EdGeRr, by Kenny Sommer, pay phones? on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:23:00 PST