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Clive Barker-The Hellbound Heart
He was in extremis; hooked through in a dozen or more places, fresh wounds gouged in him even as she watched. Spreadeagled beneath the solitary bulb, body hauled to the limits of its endurance and beyond, he gave vent to shrieks that would have won pity from her, had she not learned better.
Suddenly, his cries stopped. There was a pause. And then, in one last act of defiance, he cranked up his heavy head and stared at her, meeting her gaze with eyes from which all bafflement and all malice had fled. They glittered as they rested on her; pearls in offal.
In respone, the chains were drawn an inch tighter, but the cenobites ganined no further cry from him. Instead he put his tongue out at Kirsty and flicked it back and forth across his teeth in a gesture of unrepentant lewdness.
Then he came unsewn.
His limbs separated from his torso, and his head from his shoulders, in a welter of bone shards and heat. She threw the door closed, as something thudded against it from the other side. His head she guessed.
Then she was staggering downstairs, with wolves howling in the walls, and the bells in turmoil, and everywhere - thickening the air like smoke - the ghosts of wounded birds, sewn wing-tip to wing-tip, and lost to flight.
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