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death is the first dance eternal!

About Me

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Basic Info

Age: 23
Location: Silay City, Ph
Education: BS Information Management - Usls
Occupation: Web Developer
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YM tpjhierro
yahoo messenger MSN teods@biko.com.au
msn messenger Email tpjhierro@gmail.com
email . .

Who Am I?

Born and raised in Silay City, Philippines. And I've been living here for almost all my life. As of right now I’m a Web Developer for an Australian company, telecommuting (home-office, baby!). I graduated last March 2007 after nearly a decade in the university.

I like exploring and finding things on my own. I rather spend hours trying to figure something out than ask for help. I always make things difficult for myself. No one will ever understand me, I myself dont understand me at times. I love to travel to places, going on roadtrips and drinking beer :P


I'm into 1990s metal stuff like Pantera, Slayer, Megadeth, (old) Sepultura and (old) Metallica; but that does'nt mean I dont dig other forms of music, for instance, I like Mozart and Pachelbel, as an influence from my Mom, when designing graphics on Photoshop or coding scripts in Dreamweaver or dragging clips in Flash, I listen to Progressive Trance like ATB, trance[]control and Dj Tiesto.

I play bass in a band named "headless" where we play those aforementioned metal stuff and also some of our band's compositions asta sbng wala pa gali tinapusan ya eh!

Current Activities

I've been busy designing my room since this is the place where I spend 90% of the time. This is my sleeping quarters, my workplace and refuge. I also get to hang around, either eating or drinking at a friend's pad. During wednesdays, I render a 3-hour shift in our Internet cafe at Bacolod weekly and go to taste station for a beer or two with school friends. I'm currently preping up myself for an upcoming PADI training at Dumaguete two weeks from now. now, there's an update on my life since i lost my phone last week

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Who I'd like to meet:
You Don't Know Me's Friend Space
You Don't Know Me has 55 friends.
KG & Stuff
Y try so hard to fit in, when ur born to stand out
p@rTY Liik3 a RocK St@r uNtiiL Gr@d. tOtTaLlY DuD3
Miguel Fortuno
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

old friends & acquaintances; koreans, japanese, irishmen, obsessive-compulsives, intellectuals, pseudointellectuals, icons, iconoclasts, reverse engineers, closet guitar gods, mathematicians, theoretical physicists, poets, realist & surrealist painters, fantasy writers, pixel artists, icon designers, hypochondriacs, futurists, ska and reggae singers..




trainspotting, The Matrix, A Knight's Tale, Dances With Wolves, se7en, Chocolat, Forrest Gump, A Walk in the Clouds, Sleepless in Seattle


The X-Files


A Time to Kill, Runaway Jury, Catcher in the Rye, The Da Vinci Code


Life: My Parents
Music: Jakob Dylan, Kurt Cobain, Robert Plant, Alanis Morisette
Computers: Tim Berners-Lee

My Blog

under the same rain....

You're back to catching raindrops again. To each one a name, and there is one you are dying to find, but how? For each one is a possibility, a chance dividing infinitely in all directions every second...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i am the 'i' in the small letter 'i'

i don't know who to blame but because i'm tired of blaming myself, i chose to point in another direction--away from me. i blame my parents for being me--afraid of expressing what i feel when the circu...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

am i that stellar?

it occurred to me again, this time in the middle of procrastinating against studying for a quiz in my major subject tomorrow. i kept you safe within the remote areas of my consciousness, but suddenly,...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the cliché of melodrama...

those radio nights, sentimental and teary-eyed, u wrap ur arms around your knees, rocking gently as thoughts of love and heartbreak overwhelm you. the overall wistfulness seems to quell the pain, does...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

aga pa poi... aga pa... tsk tsk...

from ally mc beal... edited lng... replaced him/he with her/she.. ehehehe if you see me walking the road with someone else it's not because i like her company its because you're not brave enough to ...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the art of letting go...

why do beginning's have an end? why do we have to meet only to lose in the end? these r questions left unanswered, word left unsaid, letters left unread, poems left undone, songs left unsung, love ...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a shot of espresso

pain is just like espresso. bitter, but its effect is awakening and takes a long time before wearing off. if only sanity could be awakened by a shot of espresso, then i would probably be heading tow...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

at the brimming cup of solitude

some1 told me that i just feel lost because i have given too much of me to a point where nothing was left for me. two months ago, while i was waiting for a special phone call, jb told me, it's a sin t...
Posted by Poi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST