-'eLaiNe;- profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!Background By BP-Grafix.net...simpLy mEeeee ...weL im an eAsY 0 gEt aLong wit tyPe oF pers0n ...fUn t0 be wit oF c0uRse ...niCe (asK mah pEers haha)...i Love haNgs ouTs ...i Love paRtiEs ...i Love sh0pPings ...Love's g0d ...Love maHseLf ...mah famiLy ...maH fRiends ...Love oL tHe tHings aRouNd me...hates bacKstuBber ...b0riNg typE oF pErs0n ...fEeLing cLose ...and oF c0uRse "PLASTIK"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want somebody to share Share the rest of my life Share my innermost thoughts Know my intimate details Someone who'll stand by my side And give me support And in return She'll get my support She will listen to me When I want to speak About the world we live in And life in general Though my views may be wrong They may even be perverted She'll hear me out And won't easily be converted To my way of thinking In fact she'll often disagree But at the end of it all She will understand me I want somebody who cares For me passionately With every thought and With every breath Someone who'll help me see things In a different light All the things I detest I will almost like I don't want to be tied To anyone's strings I'm carefully trying to steer clear of Those things But when I'm asleep I want somebody Who will put their arms around me And kiss me tenderly Though things like this Make me sick In a case like this I'll get away with it...im waiTing f0e suM0Ne hu cud Luv and aCcePt me as i am...a gUy tHat i riLi waNt t0 be wit mE tHru tHick and tHin...a gUy wiLLing 2 give hiS tiMe f0e mE...i waNt a sEri0uS reLati0nsHip w/c i caN tReasure f0r 'd rEst oF mah pReCi0uS Lyf!nd nOw i oLready haVe him......i Love u bHabie!!


[:*:] sTreaMy niGhts * sUpersTar* mY bOo* baBy iTs You* do sOmethinG* kArma* cRazy foR yOu* GeT riGht* BriGht LiGhts* mOve yaH bodY* suNshinE* 1, 2 sTep* gOodiEs * juSt LoSe iT* oVer and oVer* sOLdiEr* LoSe mY bReaTh* aiNt nOthin wRong* f.u. riGht bacK* diP iT Low* weLcome to mY LiFe* i dOnt waNna knOw* fUck it* sTay* niCe and sLow* sunShine* LeT me LovE yOu*just a LittLe bit * Lose uRself * dont waNt u baCk * hoLLabaCk girL * tHe daY yOu saiD gUdnYt * so sLow * [:*:]


[:*:] a waLk tO remEmbEr * mEet thE fOckErs * cAtwOman * hiDe and sEek* fiRst daUghTer* chAsinG LiBertY * gArfiELd * eLLa enChanTed* cinDereLLa stOry * raiSe yOur vOicE * sLeep oVer* mEan giRLs* conFessiOns oF a teEnagE dRaMa quEen* cRossroAds* caT in hAt* shRek1&2* amErican piE* anD maNy mOre [:*:]


[:*:]A.S.A.P, , , , SPIRITSSS!!!!!!!![:*:] WhO WiLL bE d' nExT tOp mOdEL?????[:*:] fEar faCtor* amAzinG raCe* amErican idOL* LiFe and stYLe* clEan hOuse* dATe wiTh dEsigN* aRea* daTe pLate* fAshiOn tranCe* gOod finDs* LooK foR LeSs* trL* mtV asiA hiTLisT* poWerpuFf girLs* eD, eDd and Eddy [:*:]