And now for something completely different.....
Deep Purple's 'Smoke on the Water' performed by traditional Japanese instruments.
This is way-cool.
Smoke on the Water (Ancient Japanese Style) -
HEROES FAN and not a member of HEROES CODED? Shame on you! Click the banner and join!
HEROES 360 ARG The unofficial Heroes Blog site. Oh by the way, If you don't already know it, our new contact's name is EVSDROPR. He has is own thread on 9th Wonders
Heroes Family Trees, Genealogy. These are as complete as I can find information. Main source has been the Wiki. Drop me a line if I missed anyone.many)
Bennets genetic tree
Claires tree
Suresh family Tree
Takezo family tree
Sylar's Tree
Petrelli Tree
Gitelman Tree
Nakamura Tree
D.L. Hawkins. (Micah's)
Last season during the election rigging, I noticed that by playing with certain numbers in the web address would bring p different videos from Samantha's video conference folder. This also works on Mohinder's video folder. Will not work at PTP's Assignment Tracker or Linderman's Archives.
This is just a partial list of what is there. Why it's there is a mystery .
0000-9999 Brian and Kelli's teleconference 1 a 1000 files of the same conference?
No Video
No Video
News story about veterinarians
No Video
Tundra ad, Tim Floyd NCAA news conference.
No video
Buick Ad, Access Hollywood w/Michael J. Fox jamming on guitar.
Texans making an acquisition news conference.
Lexus parking itself, Tim Floyd NCAA news conference.
Lexus parking itself , NBC fantasy football fix.
No Video
No Video
No Video
Roy O'Neal reporting on Apollo Soyuz Mission. OLD STUFF! Excellent!
Another news report on the Apollo Soyuz Mission. Colin Mackellar, caretaker of what is left of the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station in Australia discovered this one after I had sent him the link to the Roy O'Neal report.
Edwards Wife breast cancer.
Lexus parking, NCAA news conference
Firefighters crash
National poison prevention week
Lexus parking itself NBC fantasy football fix.
NBC fantasy football fix. recorded 3-22-07 Seems to be the only show with a recording date, shows up under 2 adjacent addresses.
NBC fantasy football fix. recorded 3-22-07
No Video.
The Sky's the limit Petrelli Could this be Tim Kring (I'm not familiar with him)
Add for finale of Six feet under
Polar bear cub Cute!
Family film? This is shot vignette style, seems to show a family moving into a new home.
Aron Afelo news conference.
No Video
Life after stroke.
Double murder solved.
San Diego Spanish news channel.
news story shooting at school in Chicago
NBC bad crash in Chicago
NBC road map to the weekend.
NBC Today news story
Chevy commercial, 2 minute sport talk
NBC Last call with Carson Daly
Blind Cops
Lexus parking between glasses, NBC sidelines Matty's Mailbag.
Now, if you feel really ambitious or bored, just click on a link, then just play around with the last number in the URL, I call it the MEA=, some are videos some aren't yet. The real question is, What are these doing on Hana's site?
Excellent LOST sites:
DARK UFO Beware this site is full of spoilers. However, it also has one of the largest screen cap library's, sound files of the whispers, and a very extensive database covering the first three seasons. DARK UFO will keep you up to date.
FIND 815 online game leading into season 4.
Oceanic Air's new site. Video is same as commercial shown during Eli Stone. Hacked by Sam.
LOST does not look 'official'. It does contain a complete synopsis of the story, detailed histories of the cast and, a suprise message from Alvar Hanso.
ABC's official Find 815 site again its a game leading up to season 4.
ABC's Official LOST page.
The LOST-pedia
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