SimoneLeBon profile picture


music biz kingpin -

About Me

animal whisperer. human enigma. a puzzel not to be solved. lover of languages and music. like mae west "i've been things and seen places". soothsayer. fortune teller. space admiral.

My Interests

SHUT DOWN HUNTINGTON LIFE SCIENCES. STOP ALL PRODUCT TESTING (and a lot of UNECESSARY MEDICAL TESTING) on ANIMALS. FREE LEONARD PELTIER! FREE LORI BERRENSON! FREE JONATHAN POLLARD! FREE THE SHAC 7! Free all the political prisoners in China, Iran and elsewhere where people have been horrifically victimized. LANGUAGES (ach.. cadé mar a deir mé? álainn agus inchinni) i speak a lot of languages - and play a bunch of instruments (guitar, bass, drums, piano) ís maith liom: ag canadh in gaeilge, ag rince ceilis, riding horses anywhere in the world. MOST IMPORTANT: spreading good vibes all around the world and saving our mother earth and the human race. sending peace and blessings to all myspace friends. sudoku 16 grid. the number 23. visitors from other galaxies and the ships they travel on.

I'd like to meet:

great thinkers, composers, scholars and for a brief time am interested in other worldly creatures. of course the man that came and went the night @ shoot the crows. not francis though he was quite "an fear alainn" ar scor ar bith ach nios sean. an fior fear eirinacch - ard, alainn, leis an gaeilge acu. bhi an fear ar an innis thorai ach bhi an samhraidh seo chaite. taim in an anois. ca bhfuil tu fein?


OJ SIKES ( radio network) - my absolute favorite internet radio station in the USA(the maddox brothers & rose; spade cool; buck owens). old school and some new artists: jazz every single day (especially john coltrane, wes montgomery, art blakey and the jazz messengers, frank sinatra, django reinhardt & jelly roll morton - and legends like quincy jones; herbie hancock = you have a piece of my heart and in a sense did prove "pat right" and to metheny - i guess i'll always cherish the 5 yrs. - you bought me my first guitar - séancara.. soul music (check out betty mabry davis - miles davis' x wife and glad to see your shout on the RTX profile page) .. the blues (old school: howlin' wolf, lightnin' hopkins and new school: dave hole, jonny winters) apalachian/moonshine (early blue grass: earl stubbs, bill munroe).. classical music (chamber performed on period instruments; everything by paul o'dette). folks i work w/ - love and represent. radio: WBGO, WKCR: fridays classical, thrs. nights reggae, sunday: the moonshine show & south of the tennessee border show. WFMU. WFUV. KXLU (cause fred kiko rocks w/ demolisten) - In Éire: amhain: RNAG agus gach irish trad. irish rebel songs = (slaínte a mo chara éirinnacha an cruncher mo fhear terry o'neil - i owe you a pint @ madden's in béal feirste - bíonn an pint ar an bhord sa duke of york a cara!; RTX(jennifer james herrema forever!). MOTORHEAD (cause they feckin' rule and i had some of the wildest times kickin' it w/ yer man lemmy - who i nicknamed the lemster (not to be confused with the word hamster which i attribute to non musically inclined poseurs posing in silverlake and williamsburg bklyn) back in 90s' when i lived out in LA cali we ran silverlake now it's a free for all of what? no more office (pope, cakester, gusto whazup?) Lynyrd Skynyrd (Medlocke ca bhfuil tú? go raibh maith agat le vibes go maith sa the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 06' - one of the best nights of my life! The Pogues (na rifineachai! MO rhifineachai - bhí millte orm leis an mo chara fear P maguire VIP backstage @ the NOKIA - bhí síad speisíul agus go galanta!)the Wainwright kids; Bidgie Reef & the gas; my old scene from london circa late 70s/early 80s (gary & simon/the kitcat club @ the wag; my nick fry who ran the cafe de paris in the 80s thanx to the legendary ed steinberg for introducing us; anne pigalle = who put french back on the map - see you in london). the irish clan: the keds; Doimnic agus Eoghan Mac Giolla Bhride; kieran macfeilimi; the 4 courts (cén ceili tradisunta band!). The Cali family (i love you guys and miss you all so much and there are way too many of you guys to remember to write on here but here goes): the centimeters; mark curry; mike watt (forever prince of spiel); all the haden kids; third grade teacher; distortion felix; miranda lee richards; dallas don; the dagons; maw and paw; lily and the ladies; the circle jerks; dez cadena black flag; thelonius monster; ('the runaways' forever) and the countless other brilliant artists who i've had the extraordinary fortune of working with... On the east coast: i have to start out with the old school (ramones; the dictators; the dolls; the cycle sluts from hell; murphy's law; and my old pal johnny 'cro mags'(miss ya babes). NOW for the NEW school: WWIX (max you are missed); the art of shooting; stars like fleas; and the multitude of new bands out of the bklyn scene...of course you jason/Hopewell. and all the legends that are finally playing out again like HAWKWIND. RIP arthur lee and my dear dear dear friend and sometime dinner host ahmet ertegun (i miss you and you should've inducted richie havens and arthur lee into the rock and roll hall of fame!!!!!) the soundtrack from todd haynes "velvet goldmine". and the rollingstones "their satanic majesties request"(bain sultas eddie galore:)


the classics. foreign.


the courtship of eddie's father, nanny & the professor, a family affair, james @ 16, hee haw, bowery boys/east end kids, the little rascals, creature feature/chiller theatre, sid and marty croft, the young ones, twin peaks, seinfeld.


i'm a big reader. science journals. religious and mystical. but here are a few of my favorite things: temple grandin's "animals in translation" will forever change your life. READ IT! jorge luis borges; yeats and gach scriobharta eirinaccha mhora; ayn rand; roald dahl; ian mckewan; barbara olson (RIP ); ann coulter; underground authors; scientific journals; irshad manji's "the trouble with islam - a muslim's call for reform in her faith" (brilliant - spread ijtihad not jihad thank you and you're on my top 24 darlin'!); carmen bin laden's biography (and there are other brilliant, brave muslim women - shokrun for telling your stories); the absolutely most important book if you have a cat or dog = "FOOD PETS DIE FOR" by ann martin (READ THIS BOOK it will change your life); behold a pale horse (the controversial bill cooper was a genius); communion, majestic ; the family; your diary.


all the animal rights activists HERE on myspace - mad love to you all! keep up the good work! captain paul watson of the SEA SHEPHERD CONSERVATION SOCIETY; PAWS (the Performing Animal Welfare Society); NARN the Northwest Animal Rights Network; SHAC (love you guys - god bless and let's shut down Huntington Life Sciences FOREVER!!); IDA (In Defense of Animals - keep up the great work and shut down lisberger's torturous experiments aganist primates) PETA (spreading the info to the masses - rock on!); Laurie and Gene Bauston who started FARM SANCTUARY.. timothy treadwell (RIP my friend); the brave men and women of ALF; Dianne Fosse (RIP); Dr. Jane Goodall; of course my dad; all people who stand up and fight for the good of the world - human rights - animal rights - civil rights and true democracy; dr. martin luther king; gandi: and women such as wafa sultan and orianna fallaci. the good men and women of the US military who have dedicated their lives for the freedom of americans and the rest of the world!! the men and women of the israeli army (the IDF); gerry adams - congrats on the US fundraising policy change - .. and bobby sands (RIP); the women of RAWA (fighting the taliban everyday)and to the brave people of the middle east (muslim/jew/christian/buddhist/bahai and everyone else who i have not mentioned) = who fight for "freedom of speech, assembly and the basic human rights - who risk their lives/imprisonment to speak out against their imposter govts. and last but not least we should all "be our own heros". do what you can do to make a difference - make the world a better, safer, cleaner, healthier place. spread love, and awareness.. do right by your fellow man - don't be afraid to speak out and tell the truth.

My Blog

John McCains got my VOTE.

it was a difficult decision. but after a lot of consideration and the reminder of McCain's survival for years in a horrific prisoner of war camp in Viet Nam. and helping his fellow prisoners survive ...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:50:00 PST

I’m still NEVER going to VOTE for OBAMA - hello!

  Obama and the JewsBy MARC ZELL Less than two weeks before the critical primary elections in Ohio and Texas, Democratic voters have made it very clear: Barack Hussein Obama is for re...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 09:54:00 PST

i will NOT vote for obama. yes he is intelligent & beautiful but

i don’t think he’s ready. he’s still too young and too inexperienced. and i don’t like the idea of hillary or john mccain either but if i have to i will vote for either hillary...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:32:00 PST

SAVE SUDAN - info from!

    Search  --> Start Left Side Block --> View this photoView this photoView this photoView this photoView this photoView this photoView this photoView this photoView this...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:13:00 PST

IMPORTANT Animal Rights Issues (reposted from NARN)

Tell Denny's What You Think of Its Ringling PromosRecently, Denny's announced a partnership with notorious animal abusers Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Denny's will promote Ringling a...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:42:00 PST

message from my friend kim powers

my friend kim sent me a message with this information. i think it's terrible that this company is breeding animals and told kim that i would put it up on my profile as a blog. so if you feel comp...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (e bulletin)

..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ....>..>..>..> ..> ..> ..> ..> Sea Shepherd E-NewsletterDefending Ocean Wildlife Worldwide..>..> ..> ..> ..> ..> In This Issue Operation Mangrove Unveils Inves...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:30:00 PST

Israel BANS the import & marketing of animal tested cosmetics & detergents!!!!!!!!!!!!

Import of animal-tested cosmetics to be banned,7340,L-3412515,00.html ''Earlier this week the Knesset's Education, Culture and Sports Committee approved a bill proh...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:25:00 PST

Will the fools ever learn? By Jack Kelly

Will the fools ever learn? By Jack Kelly ..> ..> Hamas "fighters" took gunmen captured from the rival Fatah organization from their headquarters in Rafah in the Gaza Strip and "shot them t...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:43:00 PST

Arafatistan By Mona Charen

alvaro de soto - a complete asshole! Arafatistan By Mona Charen ..> ..> The streets of the Gaza Strip echo with gunfire as masked men fire on one another. Hundreds of Palestinians have bee...
Posted by SimoneLeBon on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST