Funny toots, a pigeon that will automatically reset my alarm clock (with his beak) every night before I go to bed, Amelie green, long road trips with total strangers and/or friends, the way the interior of an airplane smells, old photos of my parents, forgetting the past and present, honesty/dishonesty, continuing to drink White Noises even when one knows that a hangover is now inevitable, jukebox selections, random gifts of large or small value, installation art and its impending rules, exploring, dressing up (with or without makeup), Saturday mornings/ Sunday afternoons, handmade mix tapes, Extra Strenth Tylenol vs. Regular Strength Tylenol fighting in a boxing match, throwing things at my co-workers heads, Noodles 28 Fridays, MILF's and FILF's, album art, the "Paul Is Dead" conspiracy, long days at the movie theatre because of late fees at all video stores in a 5 mile radius, ..., Razzle Dazzle Rose, subway charades, pictures of faces projected into brandy snifters, The Singing Nun, avoiding physical contact at all costs, projecting shadows onto weeping willows, the price of a harp, finding a new job, Gael Garcia Bernal, decorating my room with retro music posters, avoiding Nelnet, taking shitty pictures with my shitty camera, embodying The Royal Tenenbaums, resurrected friendships, quiet beauty, loud ugliness, being a wild west hero, reading your tarot cards, giving lessons in music history, re-decorating, potentially fixing a watch, the apocalypse, putting things in boxes and then taking them out again, whistle-tones, River to River Festival, summertime, acquiring every book I've ever wanted to read in large stacks, mix tapes as gifts, lying on the beach, Fire Island (as portrayed by Terrence McNally), the time it takes to organize an IPOD, words and phrases attributed to Jews, stroking Jolene, Academy Award Best Picture Nominees Fridays, Annie (from church), garlic fries with lemon, the methodical rules of shortening words, really good recordings of Pachabel's Canon, trips to Six Flags, making cookies with non-traditional ingredients, mice, Blackberry Snapple, Woody Allen matinées, color filtered photographs, The Clapper, climbing back into bed after a shower, promises, lists, late night debates, quick stitches (and commutes), sock puppets, Brooklyn, picking up an instrument later in life, squares, pop culture trivia, record sales, umbrella collecting, deciding where to move next, great success, maintaining a solid win to loss ratio in Monopoly, The wii, costumes thrown together at the last minute, 4AM conversations, conveniences, soy products, profanity, unpredictable behavior, hissing radiators, advent calendars, playing catch up, playing catch, imaginary animals and friends, nicknames and other things.
You, when you come and see Mixed Tape 08
Starts June 5th, more details to follow.
A new obsession.
Top 5 of this year, and here we go: Little Children, Children of Men, The Last King of Scotland, Knocked Up, Volver
Top 5 of all time, and here we go: Eternal Sunshine, The Royal Tenenbaums, Ordinary People, Harold and Maude, and Nashville.
One of many films I reference alot more than I probably should: Tarnation
Lunchtime With Laura
Episode 1 (Dubbed)
Brian Atene