timhoobler profile picture


a new way

About Me

Tall, skinny, awkward.

My Interests

positive thinking.

I'd like to meet:

...it's the 21st century. it is the 21st century. ..

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Peter Bjorn and John, radiohead,2 Skinnee J's, the smiths, the arcade fire, sigur ros, blur, miles davis, animal collective, broken social scene, grandaddy, menomena, maserati, panda bear, junior boys, ratatat, paul oakenfold, BT, sander kleinenberg, sasha, armen van buren, the rolling stones, of Montreal, rufus wainwright, ben folds, ben kweller, tom petty, beastie boys, modest mouse, hot chip, beirut, the flaming lips, rage against the machine, royksopp, cocorosie, bjork, the go! team, johnny cash, !!!, junior kimbraugh, michael jackson, belle&sebastian, massive attack, oasis, beck, portishead, sufjan stevens, coldplay, the streets, the fruit bats, tv on the radio, andrew bird, elliot smith, gorillaz, dan the automator, del the funkee homosapien, iron&wine, jenny lewis, mos def, the smashing pumpkins, the talking heads(david byrne), the white stripes, bob dylan, bob marley,otherrrrr stufffffff


zombies. indie. anything with good writing and/or visual prowess.


rome, lost, family guy, arrested development, curb your enthusiasm, ATHF, the simpsons.


more noam chomsky, "Hegemony or Survial". also some franz kafka.


people who genuinely amuse me.

My Blog

a series of pictures and comments regarding my slammin V.

Slammin V - (n)  a satisfying and enjoyable vacation. so i went home recently. i hearted the hell out of it.  here's a series of pictures in whatever order i choose.  so get used ...
Posted by timhoobler on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:50:00 PST

the loss of vegas

Posted by timhoobler on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:22:00 PST

My new year's eve in brooklyn...

Or...more pictuers of me and my friends getting fucked up and looking ridiculous.  Whatever, i laughed then and I laugh now.  It's me. Helluva party.  Throughout the course of the night...
Posted by timhoobler on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:53:00 PST

if you live in new york

Get a cat.  Getty is the coolest rommate right now.  He pays his rent in mice catchings...and softness.
Posted by timhoobler on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 12:14:00 PST

Alabama Man

Show me the way, to the next whiskey bar... Everybody, everybody, everybody!  I took a small vacation to alabama and atlanta at the beginning of the month.  I got to see most of the people I...
Posted by timhoobler on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 05:59:00 PST

7:50 in central park

On friday, me and Olly and Liz went to see Paul Van Dyk in central park.  Luckily, Liz brought a camera so we were able to document much of the night.  The show was amazing, especially when...
Posted by timhoobler on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 03:07:00 PST

July 3rd

July 3rd.  We probably took the least amount of pictures this day.  This day of july.  This last day of ours spent together.  As you might imagine we both slept in after the previo...
Posted by timhoobler on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:30:00 PST

July 2nd

So the second (actual third) day was probably the best all-around day.  Megan and I got to spend the majority of the day hangin out with Jeff and Jarrod.  We began the day at a little pub in...
Posted by timhoobler on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 12:51:00 PST

July 1st

So, my friend megan came up from atlanta to visit me.  Funded graciously by my friend Tim.  We had a fuckin blast.  All we did was walk around, take pictures, and drink, but that was th...
Posted by timhoobler on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:53:00 PST