positive thinking.
...it's the 21st century. it is the 21st century.
Peter Bjorn and John, radiohead,2 Skinnee J's, the smiths, the arcade fire, sigur ros, blur, miles davis, animal collective, broken social scene, grandaddy, menomena, maserati, panda bear, junior boys, ratatat, paul oakenfold, BT, sander kleinenberg, sasha, armen van buren, the rolling stones, of Montreal, rufus wainwright, ben folds, ben kweller, tom petty, beastie boys, modest mouse, hot chip, beirut, the flaming lips, rage against the machine, royksopp, cocorosie, bjork, the go! team, johnny cash, !!!, junior kimbraugh, michael jackson, belle&sebastian, massive attack, oasis, beck, portishead, sufjan stevens, coldplay, the streets, the fruit bats, tv on the radio, andrew bird, elliot smith, gorillaz, dan the automator, del the funkee homosapien, iron&wine, jenny lewis, mos def, the smashing pumpkins, the talking heads(david byrne), the white stripes, bob dylan, bob marley,otherrrrr stufffffff
zombies. indie. anything with good writing and/or visual prowess.
rome, lost, family guy, arrested development, curb your enthusiasm, ATHF, the simpsons.
more noam chomsky, "Hegemony or Survial". also some franz kafka.
people who genuinely amuse me.