Music for Lotus profile picture

Music for Lotus

I will never beg for mercy - I will never kiss yourfeet..... I will never ask forgiveness - and all

About Me

Greetings friends and others. I'm Lotus, but you can call me Lo for short. I'm 23 yrs old, single- like that matters- and currently living on Manhattan Island in New York. It's great since I'm able to keep up with my normal night owl life and still be within range of work. Screw giving a description of myself. Look at my pics and see for yourself. I am a long dedicated Pagan, so don't try "converting" me and shit. I'll land more history that shows my religion is older that will leave you buried for a few years. But it's my personal goal in my faith that I work hardest to find and understand the oldest path that is hidden in all of the religions of the world, but more so in all of the older Pagan forms. It is the first path I am seeking and living by. And at the same time learning all of the others in the world just to grasp the one I follow. If you want to know about my life read my blogs and journals. If you just want to do more one on one chatting then you can catch me on nearly any IM imaginable. But the best way is to enter my enviroments on WoW and Vent. My nights when I'm not working are filled with both. Just a little fair warning. I am a bit of a bitch. I live that way and stay that way to protect myself from heartache and pain. Doesn't always work but I damn sure try to be that way. I hate getting into fights but I know how to defend myself and those I'm closest to when I have to. So be warned. I'm not the person you want to piss off. Don't believe me just ask most of the people on the top part of my top friends list. I'll always bend over backwards for my friends and loved ones. So far as to give them a place to crash and even the very cloths off my back if times are desperate enough. I owe a lot of my friends for having saved me in some form or another and try and keep karma off my back by repaying them and many others in exchange for good things to come in my darkest hours. If you think you can handle being a friend to me... You can be. At least until you piss me off bad enough. Which anymore is hard to do but it can be done. Just ask any of the sorry fucks back in Alabama I just left behind. ^_^ They know first hand. But they are behind me and I move on. Tis how life is and should be.....

My Interests

..I have interests in everything. At least just about everything... My main interests will always remain with business, travel, and the musical/ artistic domains, as well as writing. But anymore my evenings and sometimes days revolve around World of Warcraft and my freelance work when I'm not working in Times Square.

I'd like to meet:

The people I'd like to meet can range from the average joe on the street to an actor to even a singer. I see everyone as equal until I'm angry. But until that happens... I want to meet everyone! I know you must think I'm nuts if I want to meet everyone. I know it cannot be done, nor would I seriously try and fulfill that one. But it's interesting how people can have so much in common and never know it. People ae unique yet identical. And it is this I find facinating and makes me see life in more ways then one. It's also probably the reason why I don't tear people's heads off faster XD



If you really want to know what I listen to take a look at my friends list. As that is exactly what this page is for. All of the music I listen to. And note... It's ever growing and changing.
The bands on my top list are some of the newest additions to my playlists. Only the finest of the new additions make it there.


..This is worse them my choice in music I am afraid. With this interest I shall not even start a list to give an idea in what all I watch.

Movies I Recommend:
I Am Legend
No Country for Old Men
Rambo [the new one and the old ones]


..I honestly don't watch TV that much anymore. But when I do it normally consists of CSI, Heros, the new Terminator series coming out, and the occasional good movie. Oh and the Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, South Park and well... Anime. Subs before dubs baby!


..Screw writing what books I like. This is who I'm currently reading:
Kim Harrison
Viki Petterson
Lilith Saintcrow
Frank Herbert


..I have a few hero's, and each of them family. Four out of my six sisters, each know whom they are. About five out of my amazingly thirteen brothers, and they damn sure better know who they are. Other then them... My guild ^^ I have more of my guildies to thank then even they realize I'm sure.

My Blog

To My Peopole

Alrght I'm doing some shit to remodel both of my MySpace accounts. The One that is still listed as "Lotus the Critic" is about to change to "Lotus the Fallen" and this one "Lotus' Music". So if your a...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:54:00 PST

For The Predator

This day just keeps getting better and fucking better. Hell my fucking month is just starting out abso-fucking-lutly AMAZING. If it's not Andrew and his seizures it's the two bitches that rule this tr...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:54:00 PST

How to Drive in Mobile!

HOW TO DRIVE IN MOBILE 1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is Mo-Beel 2. On Airport Blvd, the morning rush hour is from 5:00am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 7:00pm....
Posted by Music for Lotus on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:13:00 PST

Profile Going into Construction

Just thought I would let everyone know that within the weekend and beginning of next week that my profile and blog are about to be in construction.  I have some new ideas for this and a few more ...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:11:00 PST

Who do you think I look like?

Posted by Music for Lotus on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 02:17:00 PST

The REAL Story of Adam and Eve

After three weeks in the Garden of Eden, God came to visit Eve. "So, how is everything going?" inquired God. "It is all so beautiful, God," she replied. "The sunrises and sunsets are breathtaking, th...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:16:00 PST

Glory is the Day When Life No Longer Sucks.

Life Sucks We're all trapped. Each of us is stuck being who we are. Sometimes we fight to change ourselves, but ultimately this has little effect. We can change what we do, but we cannot change who we...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:15:00 PST

My Profile Survey Thing

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Lotus Darkshi-BuccolaBirthday:October 31, 1984Birthplace:New Orleans, LACurrent Location:Irvington, ALEye Color:Hazel-BrownHair Color:Dark brownHeight:5'3Right ...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 01:29:00 PST

We Need a Black Woman for President

Okay so oringally this was supposed to be agreeing with people in a group I'm in and then it went to me just going on into how and why I say we need a black woman for president and then what I think o...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:19:00 PST

New Account for Music

Okay...  I've been looking through my friends list and went "Damn I've got a shit load of bands no one's heard off or need to be recognized."  So what am I going to do?  Make a new acco...
Posted by Music for Lotus on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 08:29:00 PST