Clive profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ready For More

My Interests

Photography, reading, film, keeping up with environmental & political issues, foreign language, music, food, meeting new people, traveling, camping, hiking, all branches of biology, philosophy, playing the classical guitar, staying up late watching movies or contemplating existence, astronomy

I'd like to meet:

anyone that has been in space, Bryce Dallace Howard, William Shatner, M.Night Shyamalan, Stan Lee, George W. Bush just so I could ask him WHAT THE FU*K and laugh in his face?!!, Jim Carrey, the Dhali Lama, whoever invented Super Mario Bros,


Sphongle, Sublime, Pink Floyd, BT, Tenacious D, Bob Marley, Esteban, The Crystal Method, Infected Mushroom, Prodigy, Led Zepplin, Mouse on Mars, Louis Armstrong, Mozart, Bob Dylan, Hybrid, Disco Bisquits, Al di Meola, Cake, Chemical Bros, Astral Projection, Jack Johnson, Jimmy Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, J Scott G, Jurassic 5, Ben Harper, Bach, Danger Doom, Dameon Rice, Beethoven, Orbital, old school Michael Jackson, Thievery Corporation, and many many more...


Any Bruce Lee movie, The Corporation, Donnie Darko, Lady in the Water, American Beauty, Brick, Lost in Translation, The Life Aquatic, The Royal Tenanbaums, The Fog of War, Waking Life, Dazed & Confused, Willow, One Flew over the Cukoos Nest, Grizzly Man, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, anything Tarantino, Road to Perdition, BraveHeart, K-Pax, Nacho Libre, Flight of the Navigator, JP, the original Star Wars, Fight Club, Me you and Everyone We Know, Friday, Hackers, ARMY OF DARKNESS, The Evil Deads, The Village, UnBreakable, Rushmore, City of God, Fargo, The Fifth Element, Forrest Gump, The origianl Alien trilogy, Predator, Total Recall, Pie, Signs, Swingers, Breakfast Club, Back to the Future trilogy, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys, The Fisher King, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Blade Runner, all along with a legion of wildlife & nature documentaries and I better stop there or I may go on forever ........


*PBS*NGC*DSC*HIST* Survivor Man, Dirty Jobs, Adult Swim, Big Love, Entourage....... oh yea, and occasionally I'll watch network news just to remind myself of how God Da** Mother F***ing Idiotic our country's media is!! P.S. If you watch network news and don't realize that most of what you're watching isn't actually news, then you're an idiot! Sorry if I know you, it's nothing personal.... Does that sound bitter??? I F***ing hope so!


mmmm where to start.... The Origin of Species, Ishmael, The Ape and the Sushi Master, The Celestine Prophecy, anything Art Wolfe, anything Ansel Adams, Never Cry Wolf, In the Kingdom of Gorillas, The Hobbit, The Flight of the Iguana, Listening to Whales, The Eye of the Whale, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, The Atlas of Life on Earth, any dictionary,


Amy Goodman, Jane Goodall, Bruce Lee, David Attenborough, Ansel Adams, Art Wolfe, Dian Fossey, Esteban, Data, Tasselhoff Burrfoot, Splinter, and Wolverine