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About Me

Divide & RuleLooking at the world you see a people divided into nations. Each nation is subdivided ethnically, linguistically and religiously. To understand why, one must understand the reason for division.To divide is to conquer, to conquer is to rule, to rule is to control, and to control is to enslave.Unfortunately, control is a characteristic of the pyramidal hierarchy of society we all live within where each level is dependent on the one above. Control is also seen in the products we consume. Dependence is control.Another undeniable signature of control can also be seen in the structure of both Big Business and Big Government.What better way is there to discourage change and would guarantee you stay in control then to structure both in such a way that no one department can change the entire system?Divide and rule tactics are used by Tyranny to control. Fear is also used to keep those it controls in check with the norm. A norm is prescribed by those who have power. Those who have power are in places of control.Rigor, Knowledge deprivation (What are landfills full of?) and Dependence are clearly seen within society. They are all products of social engineering because they are all deliberates of Tyranny.The characteristics of bondage seen in society demand to be accounted for. Obviously, they were established some time in the past, question is, when were they founded and by whom?Historical documents clearly show that bondage wasn’t founded recently. In Exodus 13:3 Moses makes direct reference to ancient Egypt as being a house of bondage. In fact, every ancient civilization including ancient Sumeria (where the Garden of Eden was located) had a social hierarchy exactly like the one we live within today.The Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11 is the only documented event that explains the social division mentioned.And, Genesis 3:21 clearly reflects dependence in that Adam and Eve were supplied coats of skins by their God. Therefore, a hierarchy of control must also be present within Genesis. This is clearly seen in Genesis 2:8-9.As for knowledge deprivation, why is it a sin to learn knowledge? (Genesis 3:3)All the evidence when combined proves freedom was never established on this world. To establish is to plant. (Gen 2:8)The state of the environment reflects whether or not people act responsibly. One look at how polluted it has become over the centuries only proves that no one in history has governed themselves. Self governship is a prerequisite for being independent and free.Earth is a zoo; a place of unrestrained behavior and that behavior is encouraged through advertising slogans like “Just Do It!” by Nike Shoes. This reflects dictatorship. A dictatorship is synonymous with a tyrannical leader.”But I'm the decider and I decide what's best." – President Bush as he delivered remarks on the American Competitiveness Initiative in a visit to Parkland Magnet. Bush’s remarks clearly reflect dictatorship. And who in society dictate its norms? Those who have POWER have CONTROL.The authors of the Declaration of Independence (06/04/1776) recommend a course of action against tyranny; “. . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”When beliefs do not coincide with the facts and how they relate to the definitions of words, someone is living in a state of deception. Deception is synonymous with an Illusion. Are you living a Life of Illusion? (Joe Walsh)Facts revealed by an assessment of your reality must be answered by scripture otherwise the bible is wrong.If a church isn’t willing to explain why the human race is divided and account for the origins of bondage through ancient scripture then that church isn’t worth praising or attending.Purgatory by definition is temporary. However, I believe this earthly scenario is cyclic. If a people lack knowledge, they are doomed to repeat history. What is control? In summary, control is the power to create life and the power to end it. Stupidity if left unchecked is self eliminating. Keyword; Analytical. I BORROWED THIS...--Author Unknown---------- Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0I found my rollover effect at , They're awesome!

My Interests

Bringing down the lies that have been shoved down our throats!

I'd like to meet:


Anything but fucking country, christian, any sort of "GOD music" ,or anything that has God, Bless, or America in it.


Fuck HOLLYWOOD. Fuck FOX. Fuck Bill O'Rielly, Fuck George Bush, Fuck DICK Cheney, Fuck Condi, Fuck Rumsfeld, Fuck You if you support them. They're all criminals and will get what they deserve.


I LIKE TO WATCH CNN it informes me as well as makes me the angry human that i am. To chill out i enjoy watching Family Guy, Myth Busters, History Channel, Who's Line, Football, and Adult Swim.


I like anything that has the truth in it. And I like the fiction of Stephen King.


C.E.O.'s, Corporations, George W. Bush, Mobil, Shell, Oil Companies in general. God, Jesus, Mohammed, Religion, Priests, Clergyman, Pedifiles, Warcrimes, Suffering, Torture, 50,000+ Iraqis dead. 18,000+ Americans wounded, 3,000 U.S. Soldiers dead. God Bless America! Wal-mart, Monsanto, Pharmaceutical Companies, Viagra, Pfizer, and of course Republicans, Neocon's, Nazi's, Facist's, Communists, and You! *NOTE THE EXTREME SARCASIM*

My Blog

Bad Religion

I love the fact that we get to live in a country full of arrogant assholes who think that they are better than everyone else in the world and better than the people who live in the same country as the...
Posted by etterraJ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:12:00 PST