SuperFantasticFunTimeChristy profile picture


i am THE guitar hero

About Me

im a mama, im a receptionist/medical coder/biller, im a girlfriend, im a friend, im a daughter, im a grandaughter,im a cousin, im an auntie, im a sister, im a neice, im a great neice, im a fighter, im a lover, im an attitude problem waiting to happen, im crabby, im angry, im happy, im funny, im thirsty for knowledge, im settled, im silly, im too serious, im sarcastic, im too mean, im too bitchy, im bored, im out.***Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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My Interests

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.....books, history, science, politics, movies, music, family, friends, protesting the right-wing, the president, racists, the war and in general FIGHTING THE POWER! also i really enjoy learning...i wish i could be a forensic scientist. * Q: Can you name some of the basic legal rights of every U.S. citizen? A: The enjoyment of life and liberty and freedom of religion and speech are among them. They're all written in the Bill of Rights, which was approved by all eleven required states on this day (December 15th, my BDay) in 1791. The Bill of Rights is the name for the first ten amendments of the Constitution.
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I'd like to meet:

People that know how to fly. Someone who owns a time machine. The trees in my yard. Talking frogs. People or animals with super powers. Abraham Lincoln. John Lennon, Malcolm X, George Carlin, Cookie Monster & The Count from sesame street. People who are REALLY smart, not just people who THINK they are smart(like me, huh huh). My friends. People that are cool and think for themselves(im anti-sheep)."Just because the magic, talking color box in your livingroom tells you things are true doesnt mean you have to believe them." fight the power!

Image Pimped@MySpaceAnti Bush Myspace

(below) Some images of what the fuck your country is up to REALITY IS NOT always pretty... WATCH THIS to get a VERY BRIEF taste of what is going on in the world around you, take notice, dont turn your head!!! I really DO hate to be such a "DEBBIE DOWNER" HOWEVER these are important issues...... please watch these videos and be informed!!! .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ...."what did Iraq have to do with 9/11.. NOTHING. did Iraq have WMD's? NO... but they couldda." straight from BUSH's mouth to you... watch the video below. .. width="425" height="350" ....The Wonderful George Carlin, talking about the Gulf war, but all that he says in this clip is FUCKING FUNNY and FUCKING TRUE.... come on, watch it! you know you want to! ..
Get this video and more at


***60's 70's 80's.*I love heart, pink floyd, jimi henderix, the beatles, john lennon, led zeppelin, Queen, pat benatar, ETC then more current selections like, tool, NIN, system of a down, rob zombie, rage against the machine, justin timberlake YA I SAID IT, beastie boys, the nosrial, the grant walker-- i admit i know nothing about trance/electronic music but, i do know what sounds good. I also rather enjoy groups from the 50's such as... the supremes, the temptations, the diamonds, and a few more i cant remember the name of right now. I have a wide array of music that i love.***


Too many to name...Pulp Fiction, Snatch, Night of the Living Dead, Friday, Psycho, Happy Gilmore, Boyz in the Hood, Super Troopers,How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Set it Off, Texas Chainsaw, Finding NEMO, Happy Gilmore, Half Baked, The Notebook, Fast Times at Richmont High, Dazed and Confused, Toy Story, Monsters Inc.***


Family Guy, COLD CASE FILES, The Simpsons, The First 48, The Price is Right, Wheel O' Fortune, Seinfeld, Robot Chicken, ATHF, THE NEW DETECTIVES, Sex and The City, Trauma Life in the ER, FBI FILES, Inked, Almost anything on the History Chanel..especially programs about american history and egyptians, CNN (to piss me off), Miami Ink, Intervention, CLASSIC game shows like Lets Make a Deal and The Newlywed Game, also Who Wants to be a Millionare, ya, i watch tv, so shoot me!***


I love to are a few...Dean Koontz, Stephen King, classic novels like To Kill A Mockingbird, The Color Purple, books about interesting people and places, interesting theories, psychology, suffering, etc. OOOH also, if you have never read the book titled "Black No More" you REALLY should. it is great! One of my all-time favorites also!***


my mommy* tricia* john lennon* cookie monster* ANYONE who EVER stood up for what was right**

My Blog

The Ultimate "How To" Guide

HOW TO: Get along with "that crazy-ass white chick" according to a "scientific" test... that i find to be quite accurate. here you go... enjoy! (and ill enjoy it when people start following it and sto...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:58:00 PST

"crazy christy"

So, it may come as quite a shock to you people but it has just recently came to my attention that basicly everyone thinks that i am insane. Huh. Well. This is quite strange for me. I mean i expect peo...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:35:00 PST

About That...

ABOUT ME So I know what "my" about me is. I want to know what other people's perspective happens to be. If you were me...what would you say?? Respond please. *also, if you have any new ideas for what...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

i love these dumb things...

My score on The'> ">The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test: your Enneagram type is EIGHT (aka "The Challenger"). "I must be strong" Assert...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 08:15:00 PST

"Pipe Dreams"

So, yeah. Why is it that I constantly seem to find myself dreaming about yet another seemingly impossible dream? I find it quite frustrating that I am not what I want to be. Im not doing what I want t...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 09:03:00 PST

The Money Is MINE.

We are winning the $285,000,000 Mega Millions tonight... just so you all know. "we are gonna be RICH BITCH!" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:24:00 PST

I like what Im hearing here... don't you?

I'd like for you to read this and get to know Mr.Obama. He is pretty damn inspiring in this speech... read it if you havent already and comment here to let me know what you think... here are my though...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:06:00 PST

VERY Important! Public Service Announcement:

ATTENTION PEOPLE OF EARTH: This "god" that we have all heard of.... well, folks.... "He" doesnt exist. "He" isnt real. "He" is not there in the sky waiting for your ass. NOW.... that it's al...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:05:00 PST

ALL ABOUT The Christy...

Personality Tests GALORE!!!!!! I like these... you should go do them too... and be cool like me. You Are an Old Soul.. old-soul.jpg" height="1...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:15:00 PST

Accident Prone...

*********************************************** so.... I was in the soda aisle at wal*mart at about 830pm yesterday. I was attempting to grab a 2ltr bottle of 7up. they were all stuck further back... ...
Posted by ChristyAttack! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:41:00 PST