mind~shifter profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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Extended Network Banners from MySpace Editor .im at hippie at heart and i have more empathy than i should. i have an analytical mind. i believe this world is much larger than the matrix-like reality we see. im seeking the true history of mankinds exsistence, the home we call earth and the multi dimensional galaxy we strive to understand. i am one who goes on my intuition and i feel gut instinct will never fail. i feel life has so much potential we have yet to see because we are a creature of habit and fear overruns our destiny. the nature of all living things is a cycle we either become attuned to or our evolution will continue at this stand still. often we are repressed by culture, a culture that has become so wrapped up in fear and cosumption its become parasitic. the state of emergency is here and i am determined to fight for humanity. i respect everyone with a voice and an open mind and am here to teach and to be taught. i believe this world has become suffocatingly pointless. people are so consumed with attaining money so as to attain "things" in order to be accomplished. life is a fucking advertisement and society buys it without a second thought. ive always thought bill hicks, (a revolutionary, a poet, a comedian, etc. rip) when he said people who work in advertising are the root of all evil. these kind of people put a dollar sign on every damn thing they see. humanity must open their third eye, awaken their concious, unite our minds and truly see one another as one and the same. because we ARE all connected and as one entity the ultimate answers of life just may have answers. enlightenment is something i see as the ultimate accomplishment and its a dream within reach. i see that all things are made of energy and the knowledge of keeping the energy in full circle cycle is the answer to manipulating our reality. in the world we live in now our reality is created and molded and to take the reins we must remove the veils we ly ignorant behind. the veils that mask the truth of life, of destiny, and the truth of our history. i do believe there is some kind of higher power but it is only those who live in multi dimensions and of course theres many gods, not one. the bible is a symbolic book of life and is mistakenly interpretted as literal history. i am not a believer of any labeled religion as i believe they are all man made beliefs here to help control people. religion has certainly succeeded in controlling the masses. people adopt the beliefs when growing up and often never question it. humanity has been failing itself for centuries with a simple, crucial mistake...we divide ourselves, then divide again and again and so on. to evolve to our true state of pure energy and find the beauty of life, we must embrace everyone, everything and find our way to the collective concious. the world is much more intricate and amazing than one might think and we only see one path when there are multi dimensional realities all around us. there must be a shift in humanity and our collective minds or humanity will lose to the greedy grip of the devils claws. i have a deep connection with humanity in general and feel their pain and pleasure like it is my own. so i feel compelled to reach out to everyone. i am a person to trust and if u accept my loyalty and love i will never betray that. i love philosiphy and am open to new concepts. i am both extremely sensitive, (not defensive) and insanely sarcastic by nature. i wear my heart on my sleeve and live with good intentions. music, poetry, and writing in general is my passion. im artistic, analytical, extremely kind, accepting, a dreamer, passionate, and completely abstract. also im sometimes too timid and shy and my anxiety can hold me back in crucial moments. i am more intellectual, living inside my head, so i tend to be lazy at times and isolate myself. words spoken to me that i found to be quite profound:As if Man was not one and the same throughout Times and Space, as if Man was a multiplicity of different beings foreign to one another...some perhaps pointless facts i thought id include... one: i have an addiction to (sum) drugs, sex, and (silly me) saving my freedomtwo: self absorbant, arrongant, decietful, shallow, ignorant assholes who are always cutting the other person off to talk bout themselves truly need to just go home, find a knife, and (by the words of dane cook) swallow a knifethree: learning to truly listen to others is an art and a rare gift ppl should be proud to possesfour: love is a matter of the soul, the heart, the mind and cannot be put in words and does not happen "at first sight".five: mariguana is a gift of nature we should all enjoy. this is great recreation and also a great tool for our minds.and oh yeah and one thing...i HATE those gaddamn chain bulletins and that myspace whore shit gets on my nerves and frankly its really pathetic. seriously it blows my mind how simple minded some ppl are. this site has helped me meet some of the most intelligent, creative, kind, and real people and i cant imagine wasting time with various and desperate ways to increase my friends list. why??? perhaps ppl need to step out from behind their wall and just be vunerable to humanity. personally, i have managed to find some truly unique individuals on here all of who have somehow inspired me...i certainly urge you to check out my friends cuz they are all amazing. few examples off the top of my head are...ron, nicci, king james, jason, midnight, "the truth" this one changes his name often though, umm others... lauren, ryan, heather, leo (amaaaazing poetry), son of a bitch, randomization, alex wintherop(may have spelt his last name wrong but yeah fucking awesome poetry), beau, and many others i may not have mentioned on here. so yeah please message me if ur mind is open and especially if ur lil on the crazy side...in a goood way of course...

My Interests

humanity fights for freedom that they already have. its a state of mind, a state of being, state of consciousness. not a state of government. its not obtained through war or some law. it can only be acquired from within. within ones self and within the collective being of all. through open heart and open conscious comes true freedom that has always been. we have will and we decide our state of exsistence and how free we are. those in power can only give us illusion of control. the strength of ones mind can overcome any matrix like reality the elite imposes on us.we have been conditioned to accept what we see...humanity has been suffering a spirtual attack throughout time by those in power. we have been conditioned to see a reality as fact, but the truth is that reality is created by us through our perceptions, our thoughts, our emotions, our intentions,and the energy these things create. i am positive that through a hightened sense of awareness and a lot of deprogramming of the false truth that i grew up learning, i can achieve a state of being where my reality will be my own to create in every sense of the word. the power that is held over humanity within governments is an illusion. the power within us is from a divine plain and control in the world of form means nothing. even in form the power is illusion because the few cannot control the many. the control is found by treating people like a flock of sheep and we stay within the heard for fear of judgement of one another. our freedom and peace is by death of the false self. also known as the ego.

I'd like to meet:

anyone with a voice and mind of their own. i have a love for the crazy ppl of the world...the good kind of crazy. i want to meet ppl who are of abstract nature, ppl with sense of humor, unique individuals, ppl who have a good dose of sarcasm and seek the truth in life. people who are mature enough to understand the natural cycle of giving and recieving energy, but also those who still are kid at heart and want to have fun. i do not jugge anyone and am open to any all ppl and love to hear others opinions and ideas. i am a good listener and understand the importance of it.alan watts, alan watt, adyashanti, terence mckenna, joe rogan, dr richard alpert, robert anton wilson, tori amos, bjork, msi, sage francis, and charlie chaplin. of course there are many others i didnt list but this profile is already pretty wordy. sorry :(


few enlightening videos from london laidlaw, mc soom t,and soup127.

My Blog

collection of inspiration

Posted by mind~shifter on Wed, 14 May 2008 09:07:00 PST

we R the shift

. let london enlighten and inspire you... ...
Posted by mind~shifter on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:36:00 PST

awakening step one...break this NOW

Posted by mind~shifter on Sun, 11 May 2008 11:22:00 PST

love compassion awareness

Posted by mind~shifter on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:58:00 PST

sources of truth and perception

Posted by mind~shifter on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:16:00 PST

how i got here and some info id like to share

take the message with love, not fear in your heart...he pleas for us to rise our consciousness before it is too late for us. for those quick to dismiss information that they struggle to comprehend&nbs...
Posted by mind~shifter on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:26:00 PST

release all these words

this choatic and incessant chatter i choose to release though written in some kind of random poetic form may not find anything more than my form of choatic order.  i need to put this down and for...
Posted by mind~shifter on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:43:00 PST

the experience of truth

reality is associated with sanitythen comes the irony of the insanitywhich makes up this so called reality...im sort of at loss here...im attempting to explain the truth of eeeeveryyyything.its quite ...
Posted by mind~shifter on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:20:00 PST

you cannot edit this operating systm

 the world and most of humanity ... well they are interacting on a frequency i can neither hear or even allow my mind to  understand. the operating system is programmed within a  format...
Posted by mind~shifter on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:06:00 PST

ironys bad timing

the irony could devastate my ability to continue. funny in a disturbing and chilling way i realize the loyalty never faultered. loyalty to the destruction...loyalty to my own soul, on the other hand, ...
Posted by mind~shifter on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:11:00 PST