I spend a lot of time on line gathering random information. News, info whatever. I'm a desk chair potato. Otherwise, I'm working on music or hanging out with friends...
Anyone who aspires, period. Seeking is what life is all abut, figuring out how things work, finding a nich and digging in. Even if you're digging in shit.
Just doo it
I often wonder what it was like thousands of years ago when music was something shared, passed down from generation to generation. Music nowadays is smothered in marketed, over produced songs and greedy megalomaniacal artists.
I rely on tasteful friends, college radio or any "non clear channel" station. I also like to download mp3 mixes from the internet and seed out the good songs.
What type of music do I like? I like everything but I'd have to say I grew up in the 80's so I'm a sucker for anything electronic.
I've been enjoying the resurgence of the full band with synth genre i.e. The Killers, She Wants Revenge, Muse, Mew etc. There is really no style of music I dislike, the closest would be opera and progressive rock.
Yup, watch em. I like the good stuff.
Independent moves are under rated.
I could list a thousand movies so I will just leave it at that. -kudos to you that can remember all of them.
I watch pretty much anything that's on, documentaries are cool, the simpsons, southpark and Family Guy are funny as hell. Lost, Heroes, Jericho, Battlestar Galactica. . . TIVO is my friend.
I like good fiction and hard facts
Leonard Cohen, MC Escher, Einstein, Thom hartmann, Barry Andrews (Shriekback), David Bowie . . . and my mother. (to name a few)