Chazz profile picture


it's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under!

About Me

Hey there! My name is Charles L. Chatmon, an author, poet freelance writer, former babysitter, errr teacher and book expo organizer/consultant from Los Angeles. While I express myself in the written word, I'm a reserved, quiet, hard-working fella who enjoys the simple things in life. I love writing - a lot! I'm currently working on projects that I'll share in my blogs.I've had the honor of being named The LiteraryWorld.Org's Author of the month for July 2006. I'm part of a network of authors called the California Writers Collective, I also co-host Mixed Matters on and I'm also the new Executive Director of the L.A. Black Book Expo scheduled for Summer 2007. Check out the LABBE page for more info.Check out my pages: and!

My Interests

Hanging out in bookstores, traveling, dining out, being in the company of good friends, writing blogs.

I'd like to meet:

Cool peeps who don't have a lot of drama. Someone who's trying to make their mark in this cruel, cruel world! Sane.


old school music, R&B, old school, jazz, old school, classical (at times), and did I mention old school?


anything that's good with a plot! love them summer movies though, open to a tear-jerker or two.


I don't watch a lot but when I do it's mostly sports.


Come on now! What do you think? :) LOL. Seriously, I read all types, written by friends or not.


the elders I grew up with plus my late grandmother. They were all special to me.

My Blog

my idea for the next big fight......

So on a night where the Utah Jazz won a decisive Game 7 victory over the Houston Rockets..... Well Super Cyber Sis, guess TMac couldn't get out this round either eh? But on this Cinco De Mayo, Floyd M...
Posted by Chazz on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:18:00 PST

attack of the summer movies!

From the 'summer, summer, summertime movies' department.... You know it's Friday and a big movie weekend when you see a crowd outside the movie theatre waiting to see Spider-Man! I mean, what kind of ...
Posted by Chazz on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:49:00 PST

rambling sports thoughts for may

The Lakers lost, shoot we all knew that here in L.A. Sorry if that's major news to you haters out there, lol The Warriors beat the Mavs who CHOKED in the first round. Dang, good thing Mark Cuban will ...
Posted by Chazz on Fri, 04 May 2007 12:50:00 PST

Tales From A Firestorm: April 29, 1992 - My Thoughts

Note: Usually I post light-hearted material on the Space. Not today. Never on this date. I wrote this on my blog Thoughts On A String two years ago, but for this day, April 29th, all jokes aside, The ...
Posted by Chazz on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:48:00 PST

when captain america gets busted by the cops........

From the 'superheroes gone wild' department........ This Captain America carries a burrito and faces drug, battery charges Associated Press Posted April 25 2007, 12:38 PM EDT MELBOURNE -- This Cap...
Posted by Chazz on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:19:00 PST

archive: the measure of love

Note: This is something I wrote last year, no cause for panic! LOL As most of you might have figured after reading the past two entries, I had a bit of a depression last week as evidenced by the last ...
Posted by Chazz on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:04:00 PST

there's kyptonite in them hills!

From the 'truth is stranger than comic books' department..... LONDON (Reuters) - Kryptonite, which robbed Superman of his powers, is no longer the stuff of comic books and films. A mineral found by ...
Posted by Chazz on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 08:16:00 PST

sports archive: the true meaning of a dynasty

From the 'nothing lasts forever' department.... Note: my friends may disagree with this old article I wrote (2004) but it's good to hear whatcha got to say anyway! Now that the Los Angeles Lakers of t...
Posted by Chazz on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:36:00 PST

archive: in the midst of the war room

From the 'now I know how Wesley and Spike felt in Jungle Fever' department..... Note: this is a 'blast from the past' written from my Thoughts On A String. Enjoy! There I was today at 5th Street Dicks...
Posted by Chazz on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:49:00 PST

archive: send in the tidy bowl man!

From the 'a la commode' department&&. Malaysia cleans up toilets to lure tourists KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia unveiled high-tech public toilets Tuesday as part of a campaign to wash away bad to...
Posted by Chazz on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:53:00 PST