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What Rob Zombie song are you???
Living Dead Girl
You are Living Dead Girl.....This is an awsome song.........It is straight out of a horror movie! GO YOU!!!!!!!!!
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Which OZZY song are you??
You are Crazy Train
You are CRAZY TRAIN!!!!!!!!! This one of those kick ass songs that you listen to over and over and over again! This song is off the album Blizzard Of Ozz. This song just Rox my Sox.....great kickass result you rule! I'M GOING OFF THE RAILS OF THIS CRAZY TRAIN...........
Are you a Zombie or a Vampire??
You're a Zombie!!
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Your Daddy Is George Clinton
What You Call Him: Papi
Why You Love Him: He's the Mack Daddy
Who's Your Daddy?
What is the aura that surrounds you? (With gorgeous anime pics! and detailed results!!)
The aura that surrounds you is gerally pure and kind. Your one true wish is to help others.
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what would you look like as anime (anime pixs)
your a cutie
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