the continued resarch into creating atomic super men!
pimping it up with my army of atomic super whores, who will conqure theWORLD!
clown pornograpthy
shinny things(atmoic super shinny)
novelty catus clocks
my violin yay
my room at uni!
The mighty drinking helemet
j.g thriwell is great
.contactTable a img
white zombie ,kill thrill kult,peaches, pigface,foetus,mike patton, proidgy, haloblack,the cramps,
human wast project(rember them), infected mushroom,big bad vodoo daddy, the gharstly ones, the birthday party , the batman sound track( oh yes the adam west one oh yeah baby),daft punk,faith no more, prince, the harmar superstar, ladytron,marlyn manson, nin,primal scream, the 80s match box b-line disater,gary numan, audio bullies, pil, blah blah blah blah blah and on and on etc, etc, etc.......shall we dance?..
ladys and gentleman sheep on drugs
blues brothers, anything with jhonnydept,alein quaolgy, preadator, alein vs. preadator,
barbbarela, perveralla, flesh gordaon, bubba hotep, evil dead, fight wars,evil dead, bubbba hotep, house of 1000 corpses, moulon rouge,
..strong the classic ed wood movies
stupid anoumts of anime tarantino flicks the rocky horror piture show, animmees old hammer movies horror movies and tromma movies
invader zim, the grim advenures of billy and mandy, fairly odd parenets, spiderman, batman, simpsons, lexx, futurama, 'allo 'allo, buffy the vampire slayer, Doctor who, battelstar glattica, muppets
Robert Rankin, Chuck Palahniuk, Terry Prachett, philp k.dick, clive barker, Tom Holt, Robert Heinkin, Alan dean Foster, Lewis Carol, johan Varquez, Batman, ghost Rider, SPawn