please note that all information on this page is already in the public domain, simply search "andrew tollon" on google and you'll find it. So, if you are a member of the Hayavi family and are offended by what you have read, tough. Maybe we would have some sort of compassion for you if you'd had the decency to at least contact us to apologise for what your son has done to our family
Anyone with any information about who else was in the car that killed my brother
Andy was, and still is, the most important person in my life. i've never had proof of God or heaven or an afterlife, but my brother, Andy, is proof that there are such things as angels
please note that if you reply to my message, i will reply back, i have had alot of responses giving me your sympathys, and i will reply to all of you... thanks again to everyone who has responded, and if you are in any doubt as to whether or not to come forward and help, message me and i'll give you the full and graphic description of what the others in the car did.... thanks again
we will be in bournemouth at the end of june again this year to lay flowers where my brother died and appealing for information. If you have anything useful to tell us and would rather meet face to face, contact us and we can arrange it.
please read the words i said at andy's funeral, they can be found at the bottom of the comments section