Grauballe Man profile picture

Grauballe Man


About Me

I am arguably the best-preserved bog body currently known to exist. I hail from a peat bog located near the small town of Grauballe, Denmark, where I was buried for nearly 2000 years. Someone who was digging in the bog for peat discovered me in 1952. Since that time I have resided in the Moesgård Museum near Århus, Denmark. I have been studied extensivly, as my high level of preservation yeilds many clues to my past. It is now known that I was a 30 something man who was in good health except for a develpoing case of gout. I died from having my throat cut, but I also had a fractured leg and cranium. Why I was killed is not known, though I may have been some kind of human sacrifice.How I looked when they found me:

My Interests

Lying about. Pondering my afterlife as a display itemAs if he had been poured in tar, he lies on a pillow of turf and seems to weepthe black river of himself. The grain of his wrists is like bog oak, the ball of his heellike a basalt egg. His instep has shrunk cold as a swan's foot or a wet swamp root.His hips are the ridge and purse of a mussel, his spine an eel arrested under a glisten of mud.The head lifts, the chin is a visor raised above the vent of his slashed throatthat has tanned and toughened. The cured wound opens inwards to a dark elderberry place.Who will say 'corpse' to his vivid cast? Who will say 'body' to his opaque repose?And his rusted hair, a mat unlikely as a foetus's. I first saw his twisted facein a photograph, a head and shoulder out of the peat, bruised like a forceps baby,but now he lies perfected in my memory, down to the red horn of his nails,hung in the scales with beauty and atrocity: with the Dying Gaul too strictly compassedon his shield, with the actual weight of each hooded victim, slashed and dumped. -Seamus Heaney

I'd like to meet:

People with an affinity for Tannins


The Discovery Channel


The Windeby Girl:

My Blog


I have lain here, so cold and so still, for such a very long time.  I wish that for just one day I could join the ranks of the un-dead, and run free. ...
Posted by Grauballe Man on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:14:00 PST