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About Me

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Ved Tanken om min Føde-Ø, At the though of the isle of my birth,
Forsvinder hver en Smerte! Every pain evaporates,
Den favnes af den stolte Sø, Embraced by the proud sea,
Og kaldes „Danmarks Hjerte.“ It is called "The heart of Denmark"

Funen is the third biggest island of the three main islands that form Denmark , and situated in the middle. It covers 2984 km ² and has almost ½ mil inhabitants. Around Funen there is a large number of smaller islands such as Langeland, Thurø, Tåsinge, Æbelø, Ærø and about 90 other even smaller islands, all included in the region of Funen. All together Funen, with its many islands, has three times as much coastline as the rest of Denmark . All this water surrounding Funen and its many smaller islands, has played a significant role in its historical and cultural development, and still today you will find many different dialects and customs around the countryside.

Throughout time many enchanted visitors and inhabitants have named Funen (Fyn) ”The garden of Denmark” – including the worlds renowned native of Funen, the storyteller H.C. Andersen.

In the busy reality of the present day, Funen is still an oasis of fairytales , where people, the cities and even the landscape seems to be smiling. Funen has so many attractions , that it can be hard to chose between them. Castles and manor houses, cosy villages, exiting museums, high quality restaurants plus beautiful beaches and forest’s. The archipelago to the south of Funen are a chapter of their own. There the most idyllic island await you, and they are pratically lined up for you to explore them, each deserving a full holyday trip.

Den fynske jordbund er meget god til landbrug - noget af Danmarks bedste muld findes ved Gamborg på Vestfyn. I ældre tid betød mængden af eng, skov og overdrev meget for landbruget.

My Interests

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Dampskibet Fyn








Fra dampskib til motorskib










Glyngøre-Nykøbing Mors





My Blog

Spændende musik af D2HAS

Kære allesammen I skulle tage et kig på De To Hjul Af Staal´s lækre myspace profil! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=117939395&MyToken=4d5ab8ff-5722-4...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 09:07:00 GMT

Årets Danske Sangerinde på Tobaksgaarden i Assens

Kira Skov blev kåret til Årets Sangerinde både til DMA og i Gaffa, hun er kendt fra Kira & The Kindred Spirits. Denne gang er hun uden åndsfællerne og ...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:50:00 GMT

Odense Internationale Bluesdage

Uge 17 er præget af Odense Internationale Bluesdage, som giver fortræffelig mulighed for at komme til sublime koncerter. For mange år siden kom Jeff Healey ind på Bøgescenen i Skanderborg, satte sig s...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:55:00 GMT

Indie Festival In Odense

The capital of the island Fyn, Odense, in the bulls eye of Denmark, is pretty indie theese days. A lot of interesting things is going on with plenty of young bands with great ideas, great visions and ...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:34:00 GMT