Hugh Jackman... or his identical twin, otherwise don't even bother :)
John Legend, Fall Out Boy, Thrice, Black Eyed Peas, AFI, Tupac, Garbage, Smashing Pumpkins, Tori Amos, Jewel, SuperBus, From Autumn to Ashes, Abdomen, Kelly Clarkson... I'm going to end it here, basically... everything that's good.
Sin City, 300, Heathers, Harry Potter Movies, One Night With the King, Romeo and Juliet, AquaMarine, Across the Universe... once again, too many to put down. I might explode if I try.
Futurama, The Nannny, Simpsons, Carnivale, Family Guy, Sleeper Cell, Inspector Linnley, That 70s Show, Damages, Law & Order SVU, etc.
In the Forest, The Memoirs of Cleopatra, Catcher in the Rye, All the Harry Potter Books, LOTR, the Josephine Trilogy, Shakespeare (I don't care who the real author is!), The Chronicles of Amber... all of my books are packed so that is it for now.
My mom for her strength, if you knew her and her whole life story, you'd agree, yet she doesn't think a thing of it. Oh, and Ali and Poly... because of the child in me