Pirate Ashley profile picture

Pirate Ashley

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, my name's Ashley (duh), and I'm from Minneapolis. I used to do tap, jazz, ballet, and toe dancing. Took a nasty fall down some concrete stairs a few years ago, and F-ed up my hip, knee, and back. Went to school a few times, now I'm a licensed Esthetician (non-practicing right now) and an Accounts Receivable Insurance Claims Specialist. Go me!!! Oh yeah, I also work at a bank a few days a week. I'm a pretty busy chick.
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My Interests

Hehe, this whole thing is pretty much a list of my interests. A few examples, I like lifting weights, wrestling, listening to music, going to concerts -especially at small venues, watching tv, watching films horror, cult, and just generally fucked up movies are my favs, pirate stuff, bowling, classic cars, dancing in the mirror, make-up, tats, piercings, clothes, alternative and Pin up modeling, Burlesque, stockings, garters, giant shoes, all things from sexed-up movies from the 1950's and 60's, horror/cult movie parafanalia, and a whole bunch of other stuff!!!

I'd like to meet:

People involved in the Pin-up, Burlesque, Alternative, and Kustom Culture, and people I know. :)


Various kinds of rock and weird music. Everything from the 60's 70's, 80's and modern stuff. I like alternative, both modern and old school as well, metal, old punk, electonica-type stuff, and big band music - think old burlesque music. Some people/groups that I like are: The Animals, the Stones, Beatles, Falco, Duran Duran, Sex Pistols, The Doors, Led Zepplin the Crue, anything by Mike Patton, Metallica, MSI, American Headcharge, Scum of the Earth, Weezer, SMB, Iced Ink, Strapping Young Lad, The Nekromantixs, System of a Down, Rob Zombie, DVDA, Slipknot, Johnny Cash, Cradle of Filth, Sublime, Dimmu Borgir, The Transplants, A Perfect Circle, The Talking Heads, Tool, NIN, Interpol, Chemical Brothers, Dresden Dolls, Judas Priest, The Cramps, The Postal Service, Death Cab For Cutie, White Zombie, Louis XIV, The Horror Pops, The Clash, ACDC, David Bowie, Flogging Molly, Smashing Pumpkins, Pantera, Primus, Rancid, Blondie, The Zombies, The Go! Team, The Misfits, and the list could go on for ages.


Anything in the Horror and Cult genre. I especially have a love for the gritty 1970's style horror and cult movies. Some of my favorite movies are: Last House on the left, RHPS, Return of the Living Dead 1-3, Shaun of the Dead, Clockwork Orange, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, all Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, any and all zombie films, including poorly dubbed Italian ones, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, and overly sexed-up movies from the 1950's and 60's. I also love John Waters films, anything by Kevin Smith, and anything by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and Troma films.


Well I rather enjoy television, but what I like the most are: Things about foreign places, surgeries, medical problems and anomalies, history, famous people, murder, crime, Law and Order SVU, gossip shows, some talk shows, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Dr. 90210, Miami Ink, L.A. Ink, and stuff about tattoos, piercings, and "weird" people.


Anything with alot of naked pictures in it -nothing hardcore or anything like that, stuff about serial killers, anything with pictures involving side-show/freak-show stuff, and anything that has to do with alternative or Pin Up modeling. I don't really like to read, although I'm about to finish reading a real book, "Candy Girl" by Diablo Cody. I like pictures with captions, or no more than a paragraph explaining it.


Mom for raising me alone, and always buying me dolls and stuff when I was sick as a kid, my grandma cuz she was an awesome, loving, good-living, positive lady, and other people whom I can't think of at the moment.

My Blog

STP FLOOR TICKET FOR SALE!!! -I cant stand, need a seat)

Want a floor ticket? I accidentally bought one!!! So I had my boyfriend Lou use my bank card while I was at work today so he could buy me a ticket for Stone Temple Pilots during the online pre-sale. h...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:28:00 PST

Braces Progress -9 months into treatment...

So here’s an updated pic of the old chompers. Today I just had the front rubberband added, and now I swaped one side rubberband for a different one. So far so good!!!   Reminder of what I...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

Missing Pills (copied from my bulletin)

Just wanted to say that someone stole some of my doctor prescribed Vicodin (I need them for migranes). I know who did it because they left a bloody mess on my pills and pill bottle. Kinda fucking gros...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:05:00 PST

Birthday List

Here's some ideas for those who were wondering what I'd like...   **Movies**: Fido Vistor Q Aqua Teen Seasons Rocky Horror DVD (I have VHS) Death Proof (Lou's already getting me Planet Terror) &n...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 07:33:00 PST


So I feel so completely lost within my own life right now. Between work and school, my weeks are 54.5 - 64.5 hours long not including homework time (which is hard to find when you only have 2 hours to...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:22:00 PST


I don't exactly know why, but mi ma has been flying off the handle at me lately. Some might ask, "Then why don't you move out?", my answer is that living at home I already pay $700.00 a month in vario...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:15:00 PST

A question of height...

So while at the doctor's yesterday I thought I'd have them take my height so we can put all the "you're taller than 5'7" " rumors to rest. So people, with the measurment bar touching my head, I am ind...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 08:56:00 PST

What an awesome week...

Wow, I just wrote a long blog and the whole thing dissappeared... dammit!!! Okay, shorter version: Car wheel falls off on highway  Tires Plus picks up the tab  legs hurts, can hardly walk, ...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:25:00 PST

Braces and things part deux...

   So on tuesday I went to my orthodontist office and had my "spacers" or "seperators" placed. Let me tell you how extremely fun they are (major sarcasim )!!!     What they d...
Posted by Pirate Ashley on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:08:00 PST


Posted by Pirate Ashley on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:31:00 PST