The Sophisticate's Diary profile picture

The Sophisticate's Diary

Where we go, The Chap follows

About Me

Welcome to The Sophisticate's Diary! Possibly the most exclusive little hideaway on the entire hinterweb.

A calendar of happening events around the world (OK, mostly in London as nobody else sends any information)with scores of handy tips for the dapper diaspora. An oasis of modern decadence in a desert of homogenised effluvium. A hub of hip for discerning ladies and gentlemen. A demimonde for the debauched. A coming together of the stylishly unfashionable. An altar to working class hedonism of the highest order.

Please feel at liberty to suggest events for inclusion in the calendar, put forward your favourite cocktail or even send us pictures of yourself in your undergarments. The more diaphanous the better.

We are most certainly not about pomposity, elitism, snobbery or delusions of grandeur- unless of course you are a ludicrously dressed follower of fashion, in which case we are your superiors.

*This page is maintained by myself, Lost Soul , and my good lady, Miss Nicola , and we hereby claim absolutely no expertise whatsoever in any field. We do, however, pride ourselves on being very nice indeed which is why we give you this invaluable information free, gratis and for nothing.*


Our Signature Cocktail

How to Make Sculpture Curls

Chain Gang

Remodelling the Model

A Budget for Fine Feathers

Pick Your Feet Up

Social Crises

The Correct Fit for Gents (1954)

Suave Sounds From the Shed


How to Tie a Turban

How to Stock a Cocktail Cabinet- Part 2

Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Curls

How to Stock a Cocktail Cabinet- Part 1

Visting Cards for Chaps

Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Half-Waves

Designing Moustaches

Defence Against Rain and Foe

Anatomy of a Stocking

Hanky Origami

Anatomy of a Julep
Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Rolls- Part 2
Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Rolls- Part 1
The Cult of Pogonotrophy

Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Bangs- Part 2

Ladies' Hairstyling- Basic Bangs- Part 1

Gentlemen's Hat Sizes

3 Popular Ways to Tie a Tie

Glass Identifier


Independent Working Class Association

La Columna

Hunt Saboteurs Association

Old Town

16 Sparrows

Landover Baptist Church

Sophisticate's Diary at

Illustrated London News Erotic Print Library

Guerrilla Gardening

Modern Mechanix

Swing Junction

Bourbon Enthusiast

The 20th Century Society

From Here to Modernity

The Vintage Shirt Company

Lesbian Pulp Art

The Pin-up Files

Rocacha Tailoring

If you desire a banner you may paste the following code on to your page:

My Interests

Communo-Dandyism; The fine art of hunt sabotage; Cocktails and creative alcohol abuse; Idling, lazing, lolling and reclining; Fully-fashioned stockings; Militant atheism; Vintage styled lingerie; The Devil's music; Dancing, dancing and dancing!; Real, old-style burlesque and striptease(no angle-grinders, fake blood, dinner-ladies in tights or idiotic modern music thank-you very much); Tiki; Mid-century modern; Vintage fetish photography; Barberism (as opposed to barbarism); Exceedingly high heels; Velvet collars; The dark art of pocket-square folding; Hats; Girdle-bound damsels; Film noir; Intimate, smoke-filled venues frequented by spies, strumpets and freedom fighters; Swordsticks; Modernist architecture; Cravats; Diaphanous underlinen; Gaudy art; Silk pencil skirts; Militant atheism; Button braces; Hip flasks; Pocket watches; Smoking jackets; Frilly knickers; Oak bookcases; The International Brigades; Total Social Change by any means necessary

I'd like to meet:

Louche libertines, carnal communists, feral flaneurs, suave scoundrels, Godless gassers, femmes fatales, revolutionary rakes, burlesque Bolshies, high-heeled harlots, seditious strippers, fez-wearing freaks, gin-soaked Jezebels, urbane explorers, desperate dandies, ravishing Reds, Veronica Lake-a-likes, suburban savages, ribald rationalists, head-shrinking honeys, foppish freedom-fighters, wild wahines, working class aristocrats, bourbon-swilling beatniks, bunny-girl bombers, glamorous guerillas; hedonistic housewives, proletarian pedants, and inebriate insurgents. We will also take cads, finks, rascals, hussies, strumpets, bounders, rotters, drunks, roues, bombshells, philanderers, rogues and blaggards. Ladies who know where their waists are, gents who know where their barber is.

Non-reciprocation of messages or comments will be seen as blatant acts of rudeness and offenders will be forcibly ejected from this page. If you lack the capacity for social interaction, please move on, as we will tire of you within days.

We operate a strict dress code on this page (we kid you not): sportswear, baseball caps, legwarmers, tights, pretend hats, flip-flops, low-slung trousers, 'footless tights', and fur will not be tolerated. 'Emo' children and peculiarly coiffed 'indie' types will be refused admittance, hoisted by their saggy bottoms and hurled, crying like babies, into the fluorescence-reflecting puddles of a dirty London street. Bigotry and associated idiocy will be met with scorn and ridicule as we are so very tired of the dim-witted xenophobes that inhabit myspace. We may also ignore you just for using 'comic sans' font in your profile.

If you have a little rummage around our friends list you will notice that we have left comments on all of their pages but only around 2 percent of them have bothered to reciprocate. Please try to be a better friend than the majority of the useless appendages on our list.

If you haven't bothered to include a brief summary of your dreary existence in your 'about me' section please do not waste your time and ours by requesting our on-line companionship. You will note that we do not resize your comment images as that would be pointless and ill-mannered. We expect the same of you.

Please double-check all dates and venues as human error is a distinct possibility, especially if we've been at the gin.


The Sophist-O-Phonic Sounds of Sex, Savagery and Sin.We regard modern popular 'music' as a foetid abscess betwixt the sagging, scabrous buttocks of mediocrity. MTV is the rancid pus that issues forth from that festering hole; emo is the noxious miasma rising from the rotten ooze and hip hop, the bloated, nauseating maggot feasting on the whole wretched mess. We are the cure, the cauterizing iron of connoisseurship. We spit on your modern 'dance music'.


The Thin Man, Odd Man Out, St. Trinians, Hellzapoppin'(terrible film, good dancing), The Street With No Name, Pick Up On South Street, Asphalt Jungle, Out Of The Past, Obsession, Pépé le Moko, School For Scoundrels, Make Mine Mink, The Green Man, Night and the City, The Killing, Doctor at Large, Love on the Dole, Rififi, Le Samourai, This Happy Breed, The Vicious Circle, Irving Klaw films. Anything with Sally Gray.


It would appear that if one so desires, one is able to view moving pictures of a lustful and explicit nature on this contraption; an activity which we wholeheartedly encourage.


The Sophisticate's Diary. Even though it doesn't exist in physical form because it was shunned by idiot publishers.

The Savoy Cocktail Book, The Esquire Book of Gambling, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Modern Drunkard, John Willie's Bizarre, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Das Kapital, The Bartitsu Compendium, The Cane as a Weapon, The Collins Gem Book of Knots, The Naughtiest Girl at St. Gertrudes, The Lost Drawings of Tom Poulton, How to Make and Trim Hats by Vee Powell.


"People We Admire or that Interest Us" might be a better heading: The International Brigades, Subcomandante Marcos, Jim Thompson, Terry-Thomas, The IWCA, Irving and Paula Klaw, Rosa Parks, Nikola Tesla, Robin Hood, Emma Goldman, Richard Dawkins, The artist David Wright, Edward Hopper, James Connolly, Anti-Fascists everywhere.

My Blog

Underwear for Gentlemen

A chappy perusing these blogs filled with silks, stockings, crepes and cami-knickers may be forgiven for feeling somewhat peeved at the appalling lack of nightwear for the dashing rogue about town.In ...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 05:53:00 PST

Bottled air anyone?

Not all of our blogs concern Marcel waves and Martinis. The following is a brief excerpt from The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell, written in 1906. Every single paragraph, sentenc...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:22:00 PST

Overcoming your fear of hats

It is a well known fact (to people that know us) that we at the Sophisticate's Diary like hats. From Fezs to hombergs, from doll hats to cartwheels, we are strongly of the opinion that if you want to ...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 02:42:00 PST

Breakfast of Bacchus

The following meal is from the 1949 publication- Esquire's Handbook for Hosts. It doesn't specify whether this is a breakfast dish but we (in fact I as I am the non-vegan half of this partnership) fee...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 02:40:00 PST

Caring for your Straight Razor

As spotless examples of debonnaire refinement you will, of course, already own a straight razor- or ’cut-throat’ razor as they are sometimes referred to by people who don’t own one. ...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:46:00 PST

Our Signature Cocktail

We feel no need for any fanfaronade on the launch of ’The Sophisticator’; our very own signature cocktail, so we will merely give you the recipe and let you sample the outstanding quality ...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:02:00 PST

How to Make Sculpture Curls

Here's another tutorial on sculpture curls, this time with photographs, from Ivan of Hollywood:Especially now that permanent waves can be given by the use of curls, it is even more important that we k...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 11:24:00 PST

Chain Gang

Everybody, male and female, should be able to string a few stitches together. It's not difficult and it's a handy skill to have.If you are a juvenile delinquent of the Blackboard Jungle variety you wi...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:36:00 PST

Remodelling the Model

The following exercises are taken from the November, 1952 issue of Pageant magazine in which John Robert Powers teaches his "secrets of charm"....
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST

Flash Harry

What on Earth was the casting director thinking? George Cole played the original Flash Harry to perfection. A superbly dressed, working-class chancer with a heart of gold and an impossibly angled tril...
Posted by The Sophisticate's Diary on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:07:00 PST