I know you've probably wondering what the hell is Highway 77. Highway 77 is a figment of my imagination in which I've been working on for a couple of years now. To me Highway 77 is my dream coming true while to you it's just a magazine. Highway 77 is simular to a lot of the car magazines out there but at the same time very different too. Highway 77 showcases numerous vehicles, be it a car, truck, van, motorcycle,and even a boat. You see, the average person may see thier vehicle as a way of transportation but to some it's a lot more than that. Sometimes a vehicle can turn in a dream or an inspiration. It can be a motivation to life it's self.Some people see a blank canvas in which you are the artist. You can use it to express your feeling and creative skills. It can be used to sybolize wealth in such a way as a house or piece of jewelry would. But, mostly it's used to show how we can take nothing and turn it to something. This is a lifestlye, a culture. This is something we eat, shit, talk, live, dream about. Welcome to HIGHWAY 77 MAGAZINE.
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