Stangpede officially became a car club May of 2001.
We started our national expansion in early 2004.
The founder of Stangpede Car Club is Ernie Sigala from San Diego, California.
We are an organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration,
and modification of the Ford Mustang.
Club activities include car shows, car cruises,
attending various functions with other car clubs as well as
helping corporate partners with promotional activities.
Stangpede newsletter will be published quarterly starting with our
1st issue due out January 2006. Each member will receive a copy of
the newsletter by mail. Copies of the newsletter are also available
on the club’s website in the members page. Club meetings are held
every Sunday, ( contact [email protected] for time and location).
We welcome any Mustang owner and look forward to sharing our experiences
and expertise with others.
As much as we enjoy our hobby, we also like to showcase our vehicles for
the enjoyment of the public.
This helps to promote a positive image for the car club community.