♥Miss Drea♥ profile picture

♥Miss Drea♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

My Life includes the following FAMILY!!!FRIENDS!!!PARTY!!! RAIDERS... & LOTS OF FUN!!!!! Enough SaidPeace Out!!!
imikimi - Customize Your WorldMETASTE With Cuzzin Nessa, Pita and Nic..Givin Cuzzin some Lovin!!Pita Gettin some Love too!!Me and Cuzzin feelin good!!SHE LIKES IT!!! JUST LOOK @ her FACE!! HAA HAAMe Bomi RosaOH BOY i think we are a lil Tipsy!! lol!!ME @ Raider Game 12/30/07MY BEAUTIFUL NIECES

My Interests

Madonna - 4 Minutes
imikimi - Customize Your World
Zingerbug on imikimi - Customize Your World

Myspace Glitter Graphics

I'd like to meet:


You Have Low Self Esteem 8% of the Time
Which can be translated to mean, you have high self-esteem and a healthy sense of self worth.
You believe in yourself, and you know how to be the real you. You love yourself, imperfections and all. How is Your Self Esteem?

You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!

Andrea Lopez was
an Honest Rocket Scientist
in a past life. Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

imikimi - Customize Your World

My Blog

Tag your it!!

A friendly game of tag... I was tagged by whom?  Tennille Martin.  He's a great friend from High School.  I consider him a kindred spirit.   The Rules: Make a list of ten interes...
Posted by ♥Miss Drea♥ on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:44:00 PST