A Message to our online familyI want to thank each of you for your continued support in this ministry. I believe this website has captured the spirit of the St. John family. As you view this website and witness the strength of the ministries within St. John, you will agree that God has been good to us and by his grace we have come a long way.
God has blessed us to be a part of an exciting time in human history as we embark on an era of technology in the new millennium. The 21st century will present us with new challenges and opportunities as we continue to minister to God’s people.
The issues that confront us demand an expanded vehicle to present the message of Jesus Christ. While the message of the cross never changes, the method of presentation must be relevant to the time in which we live. The good news is that we serve a changeless God who is relevant in every age of human history. Let us continue to work together as members of the body of Christ, remembering that we are venturing into vision for victory; as we move from faith to faith.
Generations unborn will be blessed because of the sacrifices we have made. So let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:9-10).
Words are inadequate to express my appreciation to the membership, officers, staff and families for all you have done to help this ministry be a blessing. As we rejoice in our growth we have so much to be thankful for. In ten years, we have grown from 166 members to now over 10000. We serve the membership with over 100 ministries, and three Sunday worship services. We are especially thankful for our North Fellowship Church, our, 3.5 million dollar Lifetime Athletic Family Center which has added 40,000 square feet of ministry space to our Corporate Worship Center and our addition of an even larger third location at Nokia Theatre in Grand Prairie which will comfortably accommodate 6,350 members and guests.
We rejoice in the fact that God has led us to be innovative in our approach to worship as we provide one church in three locations. With God on our side, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard what great things God has in store for His people. So let us look to the hills from which cometh our help, for our help comes from the Lord which made both heaven and earth.
Until He Returns,
Dr. Denny D. Davis
Senior Pastor
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at www.SJBCfamily.com