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TennayaLayoutsMyspace Contact Tables , hosting by Imgdump.netI am a proud mother of four beautiful kids. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways. I was born in a christian home, my parents serve the Lord, my mother is a woman of God she works hard in the Missionary department. My husband and I have been blessed by many christian ministries. He is one of Luis Enrique Espinosa's musicians, I'm my husband's number one fan. I'm in the music department I'm one of the lead singers in my church, I enjoy music so much christian music that is, I help the girls in the choir with vocalization,(I try..)
I have a son who's 7 years old, that was born with spina bifida, scoliosis, and a neurogenic bladder. I was told by the doctors that he might never walk or speak properly. God has given us a great gift, a direct line to communicate with Him, when in need. God sent His only son so that we could be forgiven, have eternal life and The Bible tells us that by His wounds we are healed. I took God's words and His promises and believed in His power. I got on my knees and I told God in one of my prayers, "You knew of my son's condition before I did, you made him and your word says: "I Am The Lord Your Healer". I had no need to ask for more, I trusted in His word. I made mine tow of Don Moen's songs (a great man of God)"I am the God that Healeth Thee, and God will make a Way" Yes The Lord is our healer, and He makes a new way every day for me and my family, He can do something new for you today, just believe in Him trust in His word like we have done. My son was crawling at 6 months old, and started to walk when he was 18 months old. He speaks Englis and Spanish very well,
God is good. He works in ways we cannot see, and He can do anything if we only believe in Him. My son has had many surgeries, since birth, and God has always been present in every one of them. He needs to have a surgery to correct his spine. It's going to be a very long and complicated one. We have been told once more that he may not walk again and can loose other functions. I trust in the Lord, for He is the God of the impossible. He is the Lord, my son's Healer. One of the doctors a neurosurgeon told me she feels she's agains the wall, with my son's case, she sais my son's nerves are so thered up and are in knots that she has never seen somethig like this and chances of Jeremy loosing his speach are great, and loosing all mobility is even higher. But I trust in God, I push away all negative words being told by the doctors and just hear God's word speak to me saying "I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER, I AM THE GOD THAT HEALETH THEE I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER I SENT MY WORD AND HEALD YOUR DESEASE I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER. I CAN MAKE A WAY WHERE THERE IS NO WAY. JUST CALL ON MY NAME AND BY THE POWER OF MY NAME IS ALL POSSIBLE" So once again, I'm asking all of our friends, to keep our son Jeremy in their prayers.I know that God gave me this special boy, and I thank Him for choosing me. I thank the Lord for seeing that, as a mother, I would love and take care of Jeremy, never questionig Him why me, why was I the one to have a child with so many needs? He knows my heart and has given me so much, I can't thank HIM enough..
My son is a very smart boy at his level in school. He is in second grade, but performs at 3rd grade level and above. I also thank God for my two older kids that have always been so patient with me, since Jeremy's birth. I have spent so many nights away from home to be with Jeremy in the hospital, too many doctor's appointments, and they seem to understand. My baby girl, who has to share time with her brother does not understand it all, but loves her brother so very much. I'm so blessed, and it's all because I've been patient, and I have put my trust in the Lord. I have a great family, and could not ask for more. Thank you mom, dad for all your support for watching after my kids when I need to be at the hospital with Jeremy, with out your love and help I could not do it, I have no one else to turn to when I need a hand, is just you mom, you are the best, God's love is in you mom and dad.. I love you soooooooooooooooo much. Thank you sisters for giving me those words of encouragemment, and all the beautiful Bible verses, they lift me up when I am down. My brother you are a great man, always there for me, you are my strong hand, the one that I admire, I love you bro.. Thank you all, keep us in your prayers, they are the reason why I'm still standing. When I take Jeremy to his doctors appointments and hear no good news, I just find confort in Gods word, and your prayers,when I'm depressed I play Don Moen's cd, "God will make a way,, and I am the God that Healeth thee"... all my wories are gone, after I hear God's words.. Thank you Don Moen for writting such lifting songs, I love you... Thank you Lord for all you do and for all you will do. I trust in YOU alone, ...I know the work will be done in my son's life, is thruough You Oh Father... Amen...Get Your Own! | View SlideshowWE HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THIS LOVELY FAMILY'S MINISTRY.. FAMILIA ESPINOSA.. SIEMPRE SEREMOS AMIGOS TU Y YO (WE WILL ALWAYS BE FRIENDS YOU AND I)...
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