Myspace Layouts at / Black Flowers
Myspace Layouts at / Black Flowers
The Used,,
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
The Used, tHE usED, The usED, thE usEd,From First To lasT , alesana, BlinK182, bOxCaRrAcEr, +44, SUM41, aNgEl&aIrWavEs, aLL aMeRiCaN ReJeCt, 7cRoWs, hOoBaStaNk, sYsTeM Of a DoWn, RaNcId, mXpX, nEw FoUnd GloRry, silverstein,lamb of god, poison the well, good ChoRlotte, SimPle plan, My ChemiCaL RoMance, AVril, Nudist island, atreyu, as i lay dying, TheTraNsPlaNtS, YeLLoWcaRd, LiNkIn PaRk, bAd ReLigIoN, the oFfsPriNg, tHE aTAriS, NOFX, S.I.D., nEtrAL, bLinGsAtaN, RAMONES, aveNgeD sEvEnfoLd, funeRaL fOr a FrieND, TaKing BACk sUndaY, BuLLeT 4 my VallenTiNe, aLonE At laSt, never ending story, blingsatan, crucial conflict, a StaTic LuLaby, DAsHbOArd conFessIoNaL, Cradle of filth, underouth, the black dahlia murder, ., .wRAwwRaw.....
apa ya? banyak.... yang jelas hOrrOr bozs!!! siip!
i dOnT likE wathcing Tv',.
saia buta hurup..dan buta akan kekejaman dunia...
alm.papa.... mOm..mOm.mOm. and brother... emil..thx mil...luv..u...