Swimming. Eating. Spurting out ink. Avoiding sperm whales. Pulling the occasional ship down to its watery grave. But really, all I want is to be somebody's friend...
Anybody. Anybody to make this suffering called "life" more bearable...
I like almost anything...but especially the Dalai Dahmers! Yay for the Dalai Dahmers! They are my FRIENDS!!
"The Abyss" is probably my favourite movie...or at least it would be, if there were any cinemas way, way down here in the watery depths...
I HATE NATURE DOCUMENTARIES! Mainly because they rarely feature me or any of my immediate family...WHY DOESN'T ANYONE MAKE NATURE DOCUMENTARIES ABOUT GIANT SQUIDS? We're really very interesting...really, we are...
Anything about GIANT SQUIDS!!
All the giant squids that have ever fallen in the endless quest for acknowledgement by the outside world. Every squid (giant or small) that has ever been turned into calamari by evil humans. Oh...and the Dalai Dahmers, for being one of the few human bands to profess the wonders of the SEA!!