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I'm not an anti-Semite, I'm anti-Zionist. i'm not anti-European I'm anti-Nazi. I tell it like it was and like it is. I'm not a feel good, piece of shit, liberal phony. I'm in solidarity with all workers of the world regardless of race or nationality, except for you fuckin' scabs that cross picket lines;fuck you, you shit eating rats. and if anyone is offended by my page delete me from your friends, i really don't give a fuck. all the info on my page is the truth.
all for the people - nothing for ourselves.
Bring your oppressors down to their knees!! workers unite and fight!..
23 year union member in good-standing of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO Local 2182 Sacramento, Califas

Our ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Our revolutionary vanguard is the Rural People's Party.Nothing but pain and repression for the bourgeois for the crimes they have committed against humanity! Death to imperialism! All glories to the communist advance!Central Committee Rural People's Party (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)

Rural Peoples Party http://ruralpeople. atspace. org P.O. Box 84664/Lexington, SC 29073HATE AMERIKKKA!

R.I.P. comrade. you died a valiant warrior's death Los Angeles, Alta California, January 11, 2005 - (ACN) A US Marine of Mexican descent home forthe holidays from Fallujah, Iraq decided to wage battle yesterday against his own hometownracist (pig) police department of Ceres, California rather than return to Iraq to killinnocent Iraqi civilians. Nineteen year old Andres Raya, a decorated for bravery US Marine outof Camp Pendleton, decided to utilize his superb marine training to take on the entire Ceresnazi Pig Department, Sheriff's and the California Highway Patrol in a stunning gun battle thatwas caught on video tape. In the end, one Ceres pig was killed, another critically injured andUS Marine Raya himself laid dead in an alley with over 18 shots in his body. Andres Raya wasonly two years out of Ceres High School and the shootout has stunned not only his family butthe entire usually peaceful small town of Ceres which is just a few miles east of San Jose anddirectly south of Modesto. The marine's mother, Julia Cortez Raya said yesterday in Spanishthat her son had served in the assault on Fallujah. Mrs. Cortez Raya said, "He came backdifferent." One can only speculate what horrors Andres Raya experienced in Fallujah. The slaughter byUnited snakes occupation forces of Iraqi civilians in Fallujah has been compared to theslaughter in Guernica by Nazi forces in 1937. Many US Marines with a conscience have found itvery difficult to reconcile the Iraqi civilian murders in their minds and have committedsuicide. US Marine Andres Raya decided to take some pigs with him. Most probably he washarassed by them while growing up Mexican in this small northern California town Andres Raya had return to the United Snakes in September from Iraq to spend the holidays withhis family. Raya told his family and friends that he was having awful nightmares and could notsleep. He expressed feelings that he did not want to go back to murder in Iraq. He, however,rejoined his unit at Camp Pendleton on January 2. Something happened between January 2 andSunday January 9, the last day he was seen at Camp Pendleton. he showed up in Ceres with anSKS assault rifle. He had the shootout all planned out. He knew what he was going to do. Hewould stage a situation where the pigs will respond and he will ambush them with the militaryprecision he learned so well in the US Marine Corps. A security video camera caught most of the action. I have provided the video so the reader can see for themselves.The battle raged for about 3 hours, from around 8:00 PM to 11.08 PM. It brought in hundreds ofpig units from the Ceres, Modesto, Turlock and Newman pig departments, as well as theStanislaus and Merced Sheriff's Departments and from the California Highway Patrol. US MarineAndres Raya, the decorated fighter that he was, had to be shot 18 times before he went down.Andres Raya kept charging police positions set up in an alley, and even though mortallywounded, kept on charging until he dropped dead a few feet form a well entrenched pig SWATTeam.US Marine Andres Raya in Iraq with his M-16 assault rifle at the ready Yes, it appears that the US Marine of Mexican descent decided that his real enemies were notinnocent Iraqi civilians on the other side of the world but that they were here in his ownhometown, in Ceres, a racist redneck town notorious for its mistreatment of his people. Thisis what happened during the Vietnam War and is now happening in this heinous, racist anddemonic US War against Iraq.
“This land was Mexican once, was Indian always and is, And will be again.” "In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal 'gringo' invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlán from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny."We are free and sovereign to determine those tasks which are justly called for by our house, our land, the sweat of our brows, and by our hearts. Aztlán belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continents. THIS IS OUR CONTINENTTHIS IS ALL OUR LAND, NOT JUST AZTLANTHIS WHOLE CONTINENT IS OURSTHE INDIGENOUS PEOPLEOF THIS CONTINENTTHIS IS OUR CONTINENTTHIS IS OUR LANDTHIS IS OUR HOMELANDNOT ONE INCH BELONGS TO EUROPEANSEUROPEANS DO NOT DEFINEWHAT IS OUR CONTINENT,WHAT IS OUR LANDTHEY DO NOT DEFINEWHERE WE CAN GO ON OUR CONTINENTTHIS IS NOT ABOUT AZTLAN OR MEXICOTHIS IS ABOUT THE WHOLE CONTINENTAND THE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION BY EUROPEANSTHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE 1492AND THIS IS ALSO ABOUT THE TRUTH OF THE CRIMESTHAT EUROPEANS HAVE BEEN COMMITTING AGAINST USFOR OVER 500YEARSOUR PEOPLE AND THE REST OF THE WORLDNEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH OF ALL OF THESE MONSTROUS CRIMESEUROPEANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS ALSO NEED TO KNOWHOW THEY ARE BENEFITING FROM ALL THESE MONSTROUS CRIMESAGAINST OUR PEOPLEJUSTICE WILL ONLY BE SERVEDWHEN THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THE TRUTH OF ALL THESE CRIMESENEMIES OF AZTLAN

Nazi scum and sellouts. your day will come.Emiliano Zapata was born in the village of San Miguel Anencuilco in the state of Morelos on the 8th of August 1879 The son of a 'strong farmer', Zapata grew up to become the most famous leader of the Mexican Revolution. Like Connolly or the Ladies' Land League in Ireland, Zapata is paid much lip service by the Mexican establishment, but his revolutionary ideas are ignored by those who inherited the power won in the Revolution. A gifted organiser, Zapata also spoke Náhuatl, his local indigenous language.Elected leader of his village in 1909, Zapata began recruiting an insurgent army even before the Revolution beginning in 1910 which overthrew the dictator Porfirio Díaz. The links between the dictatorship and the U.S.A., combined with Mexico's colonial past, gave rise to much 'revolutionary nationalism' - revolution as defence of the nation - which is still a vibrant force today.Zapata's Liberation Army of the South did not accept the new reformist government under Francisco Madera. The Zapatistas fought on against government troops lead by Victoriano Huerta, the general who overthrew Madera in February, 1913, and was then deposed in 1914. At the following Convention in Aguascalientes, called to decide the future of Mexico, the Zapatistas demanded 'tierra y libertad' - land and freedom - for their people.This was the core of Zapata's 'Plan de Ayala', produced in November 1911. Clearly influenced by anarchist ideas spread in Mexico by people like Ricardo Flores Magón, Zapata demands the socialisation of land:The lands, forests and water that have been usurped ... will be immediately restored to the villages or citizens who have title to them ... Because the great majority of Mexicans own nothing more than the land they walk on ... one third of these properties will be expropriated ... so that the villages and citizens of Mexico may obtain ejidos , sites for towns, and fields.Zapata remained in opposition, fighting against terrible repression, until 1919. Lured to a meeting with government troops apparently mutinying against President Carranza, he was gunned down on April the 10th, 1919. Although the insurgents fought on, and Zapata's ghost was seen to ride the hills of his native state, Morelos, the conservatives won out, and Zapata's ideas of fair distribution of land remained ignored until the presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas in the late 1930's.Zapata's memory, like his ghost, rides on in Mexico. His name has been invoked by the indigenous rebel army in Chiapas, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), in their struggle against exactly the same social ills that Zapata fought against: large landlords and (often foreign-owned) big business running a corrupt and repressive régime that leaves the peasants, particularly indigenous peoples, landless and exploited. Throughout this century, people all over the world have risen up against oppression, taking heart from Zapata's cry:The first revolt occurred in 1810. It was led by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a parish priest who issued 'Grito de Delores', calling for an end to Spanish rule, redistribution of land, and empowerment of the masses. Costilla and his followers were captured and executed. A following uprising by Jose Maria Moreles y Pavon in 1814 was also crushed, and the disintegrating independence movement turned to guerilla warfare.Vicente Guerrero led this new struggle and in 1821 he negotiated a treaty with the ruling Spanish elite to gain self determination for the colony. A congress was elected, and after a military rebellion in 1823 Mexico became a republic.In 1845 the U.S. Congress voted to annex Texas and war with Mexico ensued. By 1848 North American superiority overwhelmed the Mexican Army, and Utah, Texas, Nevada, California, New Mexico, and most of Colorado came under American control.In 1857 Benito Juarez issued a new constitution in an effort to abolish the remnants of colonialism. Land reforms did nothing however to improve the lives of the majority of the population who lived in poverty. To make matters worse, civil war broke out in 1858 between the liberals led by Juarez and the conservatives. Juarez was victorious and some of his later reforms helped to lessen the excessive power of the church and the army. His liberal successors were not as successful.In 1876 Porfio Diaz seized power and his monopoly on political power over the next thirty years was a major cause of the revolution in 1910.The 1910 revolt was led by Francisco i Madero, who advocated neither social reforms nor drastic change. With conservative support, another general, Victoriano Huerta, overthrew Madero. The peasants continued the revolt begun in 1910 and Pancho Villa and Emile Zapata became the two key figures in the struggle against Huerta. Huerta was defeated and control fell into the hands of Venustiano Carranza, a rich landowner who had supported Madero. Civil war broke out between his forces and those of Villa in the north and Zapata in the south. By 1920 the popular uprising had been crushed.A new party, the PNR, then consolidated power, and depression in the 1930's caused a reversal of land reforms and an increase in the rich/poor divide. The PNR (now PRI) has ruled Mexico ever since with a peculiar one party system.In 1968 a major student uprising was crushed and the PRI party became more indifferent towards the oppressed masses On 1
I Will Not Submit by Joaquin Murrieta (with commentary by Siglo)(Source: the aftermath of the Mexican War in 1848, the northern part of the emerging nation of Mexico was forcefully annexed by the United States. The Amerikans proceeded to oppress and exploit the Chicano and Mexicano nation that remained within the new borders. Shortly after this conquest, resistance to the “Yankee” invaders became more widespread. One leader was Joaquin Murrieta. A Sonaran vaquero, Murrieta led guerrilla attacks against the Amerikan invaders, and passed on into Chicano-Mexicano folklore. He was labeled a “bandit,” just like other freedom fighters today are labeled “terrorists,” although the rebellion he was part of was termed by Major Horace Bell of the California Rangers “a revolution in bold defiance of the power of the government.” Murrieta left a rare statement of his aims, which is presented here for discussion and advancement of Maoist-Third Worldists.I Will Not SubmitI was once a great admirer of Americans. I thought them the noblest, most honorable and high-minded people in the world. I had met many in my own country and all forms of tyranny seemed as hateful to them as the rule of the Gachupines (foreigners, or Spaniards) to the Mexicans. I was sick of the constant wars and insurrections in my native land and I came here thinking to end my days in California as an American citizen.I located first near Stockton. But I was constantly annoyed and insulted by my neighbors and was not permitted to live in peace. I went then to the placers (gold mines) and was driven from my mining claim. I went into business and was cheated by everyone in whom I trusted. At every turn I was swindled and robbed by the very men for whom I had had the greatest friendship and admiration. I saw the Americans daily in acts of the most outrageous and lawless injustice, or of cunning and mean duplicity hateful to every honorable mind.I then said to myself, I will revenge my wrongs and take the law into my own hands. The Americans who have injured me I will kill, and those who have not, I will rob because they are Americans. My trail shall be red with blood and those who seek me shall die or I shall lose my own life in the struggle! I will not submit tamely to outrage any longer.I have killed many; I have robbed many; and many more will suffer in the same way. I will continue to the end of my life to take vengeance on the race that has wronged me so shamefully.In over a century since Murrieta’s statement, imperialism has developed, and the Amerikan empire found it in its interest to buy off its captive nation populations also. The Chicano nation has more or less been bought off by the empire, although they do remain an oppressed nation. Yet this statement has important implications for comrades in the Third World.In the first part of this statement, Murrieta is fooled by the charm of the Amerikan invaders. High minded believers in their creeds of freedom and democracy mask their true imperialist nature. An important warning to all future victims of their aggression.The Amerikans betray him, exploit him, and oppress him, as they do other colonized inhabitants of the land. “I saw the Americans daily in acts of the most outrageous and lawless injustice, or of cunning and mean duplicity hateful to every honorable mind.” The aggression inflicted by Amerika on what became its own stolen land continued worldwide.Murrieta, like other oppressed peoples, chose resistance. “The Americans who have injured me I will kill, and those who have not, I will rob because they are Americans.” He correctly defines, even in the 19th century, that Amerikans as a whole are the enemy of the oppressed. This one statement has more reached a more advanced conclusion than any other fake “leftists” inside White Amerika who believe that White workers have common interests with occupied captive nations and Third World victims outside U.S. borders.His strategy, though, amounts to focoism, which proves a strategic failure here and elsewhere. Murrieta was of course operating in a time before the theory of people’s war, much less Marxism as a whole. To defeat the First World and achieve liberation for exploited peoples and nations requires the correct line on global class analysis and organization of the exploited masses to defeat the common enemy. This requires commitment and dedication, and as Murrieta ends his statement, ““I will continue to the end of my life to take vengeance on the race that has wronged me so shamefully.”amerikkka's genocidal holocaustIndigenous Holocaust - Pestilence and GenocideBy 1496, the population of Hispaniola had fallen from eight million to between four and five million. By 1508 it was down to less than a hundred thousand. By 1518 it numbered less than twenty thousand. And by 1535, say the leading scholars on this grim topic, "for all practical purposes, the native population was extinct."In less than the normal lifetime of a single human being, an entire culture of millions of people, thousands of years resident in their homeland, had been exterminated. The same fate befell the native peoples of the surrounding islands in the Caribbean as well. Of all the horrific genocides that have occurred in the twentieth century against Armenians, Jews, Gypsies, Ibos, Bengalis, Timorese, Kampucheans, Ugandans, and more, none has come close to destroying this many-or this great a proportion of wholly innocent people.And then the Spanish turned their attention to the mainland of Mexico and Central America. The slaughter had barely begun. for more information see my blog. Amerikkka's forgotten atrocities inflicted upon the people of south vietnam they brutally raped several women and killed everyone (between 175-400 civilians), mostly old men, women, and children including babies, Praying children were shot in the back of the head, elderly men were hacked to death with bayonets. People were shot on their knees, in the back, with their hands in the air.The objective of the fascist-racist Amerikkkan military mission was clear: search and destroy the My Lai (pronounced, somewhat ironically, "me lie") hamlet of Son My village in the Quang Ngai Province of South Vietnam. What wasn’t clear was what to do with any civilians who might be encountered at My Lai. On March 16, 1968, Charlie Company, a unit of the US Eleventh Light Infantry Brigade, was ordered into combat by Captain Ernest Medina. The 150 soldiers, led by Lt. William Calley, stormed into the hamlet, and four hours later more than 500 civilians -- unarmed women, children, and old men -- were dead. Charlie Company had not encountered a single enemy soldier, and only three weapons were confiscated. The only American casualty was a soldier who shot himself in the foot. It was a massacre that seems to have been forgotten.ZIONIST BOUNTY COLLECTOR"Redskin" was the word used when European Americans were murdering. They were collecting bounties with the severed ears, noses, pieces of skin and scalp, from the bodies of Native Americans, pleasuring themselves with the thrill of ethnic purging. The hunted "redskinned" animal was forced to run before the tide of hatred. The goal was to exterminate the Native American. No distinction was made between babies, children or adults, they were only seen for their redskins.
.. "Scalpt 3 Indians which were found about 15 feet from my hole consealt in grass. For purpose of collecting bounty."Sigmund Shlesinger, personal diary entry Sept. 21, 1868. Western Kansas. ("Trail Blazers of the Trans-Mississippi West," American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, Vol. 8, 1952)
A Native American murdered, scalped and left to rot.The genocide of "redskins" provided inspiration and precedence for the genocide of Jews in Europe.Only 60 years would pass before Jews were hunted down in Poland and turned in for the patriotic thrill of collecting bounty on them before their deportation to reservations."You will do well to inoculate the Indians (with smallpox) by means of blankets, as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this exorable race. I should be very glad your scheme for hunting them down by dogs could take effect."-General Amherst to Colonel Henry Bouquet, July 1763 Unable to secure dogs to do the work General Amherst distributed blankets among the Shawnee, Mingo and Delaware. These infected blankets were purchased from Jews, Levy Andrew (Levy) in association with David Franks and family of Philadelphia who were the leading Jewish supplymen in North America. (source, Sharfman, Harold. Jews on the Frontier. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1977., also The Nation of Islam, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Vol. 1.)A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. NAZI CATHOLIC VATICANITESI am not anti-catholic, but the truth must be told about the genocidal history of the fascist, racist, catholic church.despite an often expressed contempt for Christianity, in Mein Kampf Hitler had written that his plan for a triumphant Nazism was modeled on the Catholic Church's traditional "tenacious adherence to dogma" and its "fanatical intolerance," particularly in the Church's past when, as Arno J. Mayer has noted, Hitler observed approvingly that in "building 'its own altar,' Christianity had not hesitated to 'destroy the altars of the heathen.' ', 15 Had Hitler required supporting evidence for this contention he would have needed to look no further than the Puritans' godly justifications for exterminating New England's Indians in the seventeenth century or, before that, the sanctimonious Spanish legitimation of genocide, as ordained by Christian Truth, in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Meso- and South America. (It is worth noting also that the Fuhrer from time to time expressed admiration for the "efficiency" of the American genocide campaign against the Indians, viewing it as a forerunner for his own plans and programs.) But the roots of the tradition run far deeper than that-back to the high Middle Ages and before-when at least part of the Christians' willingness to destroy the infidels who lived in what was considered to be a spiritual wilderness was rooted in a rabid need to kill the sinful wilderness that lived within themselves. To understand the horrors that were inflicted by Europeans and white Americans on the Indians of the Americas it is necessary to begin with a look at the core of European thought and culture-Christianity-and in particular its ideas on race and violence.

Amerikkka's favorite pastime in the good ol' days - Build a Slideshow - Build a Slideshow - Build a Slideshow

The term Antis is loosely applied to describe those people that are Anti-(legal/illegal) immigration, anti-diversity, anti-multilingualism, anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-minorities, anti-peace, etc. Like the Klan’s use of fear tactics, the Antis use the same lies to provoke the same fear that has inspired the forming of groups like the Minutemen and Save our State.One read of the material found at several Antis sites and immediately a person who has experienced diversity will quickly see through the lies the Antis spread about minorities, specifically ethnic Mexicans.I must explain that there are two categories of Mexicans, one is the Mexican citizen and the other is the ethnic Mexican. A Mexican citizen can be of any race, and practice any culture i.e. Sephardic Jews, Muslims and Indigenous. Ethnic Mexicans share a common cultural background, can also be of any race, and can live anywhere in the world. One can not easily distinguish an ethnic Mexican from a Mexican citizen; and the Antis don’t really want people to know that there is a difference. They want to provoke hatred towards all persons perceived to be Mexican. They mask their message of hate with words like “Illegals”, “Criminals”, and if any person with a Spanish surname commits a crime the Antis quickly use the incident as evidence of the “Savage” and “Criminal” nature of Illegals, which, by the way, is the new code word for Mexican.Infamous quotes:"Illegals…are coming here to kill you and to kill me and our families." – Tom Tancredo, US Congressman"The diversity crowd seduces the naive by teaching that the invaders are noble, harmless people, just here to work, when in fact they are here to commit auto theft, burglary, rape, robbery and murder." – Robert Vasquez, County Commissioner"Illegal immigrants will destroy this country. Every time a Mexican flag is planted on American soil, it is a declaration of war." – Jim Gilchrist, Minuteman Project"We are suffering robbery, rape and murder of law-abiding citizens at the hands of illegal barbarians who are cutting off heads and appendages of blind, white, disabled gringos." – Barbara Coe, California Coalition for Immigration Reform"These people start coming into our communities, they live among us, they steal our children's educations and our children's jobs and our jobs. Deport them. Each and every one of them." — Lupe Moreno, Latino Americans for Immigration Reform“I can’t stand hyphenated Americans." – Joseph Turner, SOSOf the names listed above, Robert Vasquez and Lupe Moreno have parents and grandparents that were un..ed immigrants. Their hate for Mexicans is rooted in self loathing from their failure to adjust to oppression. Some Mexicans living in a dominant white environment have lied about their ancestry to be accepted into white society. Some have claimed to be Spanish, Italian or anything but Mexican. Those that could not fabricate a persona that white society would accept, blame their ancestors and hence we have people like Vasquez and Moreno. Fortunately, the majority of Mexicans embrace their ethnicity and don’t have to suffer like Vasquez and Moreno. What these misguided souls have failed to understand is that white society is not by itself American, but only one of the diverse ethnic groups that make up the whole of Americanism.Patriotism is another ploy used to misdirect the masses. Just like the Klan, the Antis say that they are fighting to preserve the American culture and hide the fact that Americana is the combination of contributions from many cultures, i.e. the Cowboy is Mexican in essence and substance; Blues, Jazz and Rock and Roll are African-American and our economic system is European. The list is extensive and includes the contributions of Asians, Native Americans and many other ethnicities.All public school history books omit the fact that Nuevo España, AKA Mexico, funded up to 80% of the American Revolution and sent many Indigenous, Mestizo and Iberian troops to aid the Continental Army in defeating the British. The books don’t tell you that Latinos planned many of the victorious battles fought against the British.The end result today is that Latinos, specifically Mexicans, are not viewed in the correct historical perspective, but viewed as enemy invaders because the population in general favors the fictional anecdotes of impending doom theories of the Antis.The Antis will tell you that a person’s position on immigration says a lot about their patriotism, and if you favor a logical and equitable solution to immigration reform you will be called a traitor by the Antis: “Patriots are for law and order, and the rights of citizens over the desires of a horde of law-breakers. Traitors are willing to see our country overrun by outsiders who want what we have, but don’t want to be part of us.”instances of white racists committing illegal acts against Mexicans are not unheard of . In the sparsely populated desert of the US-Mexico border area illegal alien deaths are common. The reason behind the deaths is essentially the result of unresolved problems. In the nineteenth century the lynching of Mexicans was not only done by ordinary white people but also by the government through the Texas Rangers. From 1848 to1928 there were 605 cases of lynched Mexicans, making them the second largest group persecuted in this way. Texas Rangers often hung Mexicans in front of the court house.
while the lynching of mexicans and native americans in California has yet to enter historical consciousness. And yet at the time of the event that Gonzales-Day addresses – 354 instances of lynching that occurred in the state of California between 1850 and 1935, the majority of which were latino– lynchings in the West were readily documented in popular culture through the dissemination of postcards containing photographs of the lynched subject.

Arias and Chamales were of Mexican and Native American descent, and their's was not the first lynching of Californios by Santa Cruz's growing, often racist white population in the nineteenth century. As early as 1851, vigilantes hung Mariano Hernandez after pulling him out of the local jail, and there would be numerous other lynchings of Californios here in the ensuing quarter-century.

Arab and Mexican Solidarity. Palestina Libre!Colonialism is the European parasitic habitual crime of invading other people..s land, stealing their resources, destroying their society, committing genocide against the majority of the people, enslaving the remaining population, culturally annihilating them by executing their leaders and destroying the pride in their heritage, and by forcibly occupying their land with European squatters. Colonialism is by its nature parasitic in that it depends totally on the stolen foreign land and the enforced ignorance of the enslaved foreign population to sustain it. Colonialism uses terrorism as its main tool against the people who are colonized. Palestinians know too well the theft of land and natural resources, daily oppression, atrocities and genocide committed against Aboriginal Peoples by colonialists at every corner of the Earth. 78% of Palestine was stolen by Jewish and international Zionists to create the state of Israel. Another 12% has been stolen for the creation of the Israeli apartheid wall. Only 10% of Palestine remains in Arab hands. And even that is occupied and controlled by Israeli military forces. Within the Palestinian land that has now been re-named "Israel", Palestinian Arabs are systematically discriminated against and officially treated as second and third class citizens. Palestinians have had so much taken from them, but still Israel and the US ask them to give up even more for "peace". A peace that we know will never come from Israeli hands. The land of Palestine was inhabited by Palestinian Arabs. In 1850 these consisted of approximately 400,000 Muslims, 75,000 Christians, and 25,000 Jews. For centuries these groups had lived in harmony: 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 5 percent Jewish. But then in the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as "Zionists," this group consisted of an extremist minority of the world Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and at first considered locations in Africa and South America, before finally settling on Palestine for their colony. At first this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine — many with the express wish of taking over the land for an exclusively Jewish state — the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, there was fighting between the two groups, with escalating waves of violence. Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the democratic principle espoused decades earlier by Woodrow Wilson of "self-determination of peoples," in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power arbitrarily divides up other people’s land. Under considerable pressure from high-placed American Zionists, the UN decided to give away 55 percent of Palestine to a Jewish state — despite the fact that this group represented only about 30 percent of the total population, and owned under 7 percent of the land. When the inevitable war broke out the outcome was never in doubt, according to U.S. intelligence reports from the time. The Zionist army consisted of over 90,000 European-trained soldiers and possessed modern weaponry, including up-to-date fighter and bomber airplanes. The Arab forces, very much a third-world army, consisted of approximately 30,000 ill-equipped, poorly trained men. The U.S. Army, British intelligence, and the CIA all agreed: it would be no contest. By the end of the 1948 war the Jewish state — having now declared itself "Israel" — had conquered 78 percent of Palestine — far more than that proposed even by the very generous UN partition plan. And three-quarters of a million Palestinians had been made refugees. Over 400 towns and villages had been destroyed, and a new map was being drawn up, in which every city, river and hillock would receive a new, Hebrew name. All vestiges of the Palestinian culture were to be erased. In fact, for many decades Israel — and the US, following its lead — denied the very existence of this population. Golda Meir once said, in fact: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian."We need to catch up with the rest of the civilized world, and talk about what we can do to emphatically withdraw our support from the apartheid state of Israel and its immoral and illegal occupation regime.Imagine, if you will, a modern apartheid state with first, second and eleventh class citizens, all required to carry identification specifying their ethnic origin. First class citizens are obliged to serve in the armed forces, kept .. reserve status until in their forties, and accorded an impressive array of housing, medical, social security, educational and related benefits denied all others.Second class citizens are exempted from military service and from a number of the benefits accorded citizens of the first class. They are issued identity ..s and license plates that allow them to be profiled by police at a distance. Second class citizens may not own land in much of the country and marriages between them and first class citizens are not recognized by the state. Second class citizens are sometimes arrested without trial and police torture, while frowned upon and occasionally apologized for, commonly occurs.Citizens of the eleventh class, really not citizens at all, have no rights citizens of the first class or their government are bound to respect. Their residence is forbidden in nearly nine-tenths of the country, all of which they used to own. The areas left to them are cut up into smaller and smaller portions weekly, by high walls, free fire zones and hundreds of checkpoints manned by the army of the first class citizens, so that none can travel a dozen miles in any direction to work, school, shopping, a job, a farm, a business or a hospital without several long waits, humiliating searches and often arbitrary denials of the right to pass or to return. Posh residential settlements for the first class citizens with protecting gun towers and military bases are built with government funds and foreign aid on what used to be the villages and farms and pastures of the eleventh class citizens. The settlers are allotted generous additional housing and other subsidies, allowed to carry weapons and use deadly force with impunity against the former inhabitants, and are connected with the rest of first class territory by a network of of first-class citizen only roads.Citizens of the eleventh class are routinely arrested, tortured, and held indefinitely without trial. Political activism among them is equated to “terrorism” and the state discourages such activity by means including but not limited to the kidnapping of suspects and relatives of suspects, demolition of their family homes, and extralegal assassination, sometimes at the hands of a death squad, or at others times by lobbing missiles or five hundred pound bombs into sleeping apartment blocks or noonday traffic. Passports are not issued to these citizens, and those who take advantage of scarce opportunities to study or work abroad are denied re-entry.The apartheid state in question is, of course, Israel. Its first class citizens are Israeli Jews, the majority of them of European or sometimes American origin. The second class citizens are Israeli Arabs, who enjoy significant but limited rights under the law including token representation in the Knesset. The eleventh class citizens are not citizens at all. They are Palestinians. One expects to be able to say that Palestinians live in Palestine and are governed by Palestinians, but the truth is something different. The areas in which Palestinians may inhabit have shrunk nearly every year since the Nakba, their name for the wave of mass deportations, murders, the dispossession, destruction and exile of whole Arab towns, cities and regions that attended the 1948 founding of the state of Israel. As the whole world, except for the US public knows, Palestinians have lived under military occupation, without land, without rights, without hope, for nearly sixty years now.

I'd like to meet:



Zionist cut off his foot in the first day of the new year !!!

racist Zionist Israeli-Jews are killing all.. Unarmed Men, Old Men, Women, Kids and Babies without any mercy.. Such acts express nothing but the pure Zionist barbarism and racism..



Palestinian Women Martyrs Against the Zionist Occupation
Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar November 23, 2006Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar is the oldest Palestinian Woman Martyr to date. She was 57 years old when she decided to give up her life for the liberation of the Palestinian people. Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar was the mother of 9 and grandmother of 41 children. She was one of the Palestinian women who bravely formed a human shield around a Mosque in Beit Hanun to save a number of Palestinian men trapped inside who were being shelled by Zionist soldiers on November 3. Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar made her decision to carry out the suicide mission against the Zionist occupiers two weeks after the Zionist shelling in the Gaza town of Beit Hanun left 19 Palestinians, mostly women and children, dead. Fatima Omar Mahmud al-Najar approached a group of Zionist soldiers in Gaza, detonated explosive strapped around her waist and left 5 Zionist soldiers wounded. She was from the town of Jabaliya.
Reem Salih al-Rayasha January 14, 2004Reem Salih al-RayashaOn the morning of January 14, 2004, a freedom fighter of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a 21 year old mother of two children, detonated a bomb at the Erez border check point between Israel and the Gaza Strip killing four Zionist soldiers. The female Palestinian martyr, Reem Salih al-Rayasha of Gaza City, was a university student with two children, ages 1 and 4 whom she loved dearly. She made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people.
Dareen Abu Aysheh February 27, 2002 Dareen Abu AyshehThe second suicide bombing operation by a Palestinian woman freedom fighter occurred on February 27, 2002. Dareen Abu Aysheh, 21-year-old, detonated a bomb at the Israeli Maccabim roadblock in West Ramallah (West Bank), wounding four Israelis. She was a student at Al-Najah University in Nablus, and came from the village of Beit Wazan, in the West Bank. She left a videotape, which was broadcast by the Arab satellite channel ANN, saying she "wanted to be the second woman – after Wafa Idriss – to carry out a martyr operation and take revenge for the blood of the martyrs and the desecration of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque". Dareen highlighted the crucial role of Palestinian women in the resistance. "Let Sharon the coward know that every Palestinian woman will give birth to an army of martyrs, and her role will not only be confined to weeping over a son, brother or husband instead, she will become a martyr herself."
Mervat Masaoud November 6, 2006Mervat Masaoud Two days after the Israeli army had fired upon a group of Palestinian mothers on their way to the Beit Hanoun Mosque killing two, 18 year old Mervat Masaoud decided she had enough. She strapped on explosives to her waist and strode defiantly toward an Israeli army checkpoint and blew herself up injuring one Zionist soldier. Mervat Masaoud, was a student at the Islamic University of Gaza. In the six days before she carried out her mission, the Zionist occupation army had killed 50 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun. The group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the mission and released a videotape of the tall, thin teenager holding the Koran and an M-16 rifle while smiling and stating calmly her intention to die fighting Israel. Asking forgiveness of her parents, she said, "I love you very much, but I love Palestine and God more." Mervat Masaoud is the ninth Palestinian woman martyr.
Ayat Akhras March 29, 2002Ayat Akhras Ayat Akhras at 18 years old, has been the youngest Palestinian woman martyr. On March 29, 2002 she detonated a bomb inside a supermarket in the Kyriat Hayovel area of Jerusalem killing two Israelis and injuring 28 others. The day before she detonated the bomb at the supermarket, Ayat Akhras sat with her fiance and talked about graduating from high school and getting married in the summer. She was engaged to Shali Abu Laban, and came from the Dehaisha Refugee Camp, near Bethlehem. .
Andaleeb Takafka April 12, 2002Andaleeb Takafka On April 12, 2002, Andaleeb Takafka, a 20-year-old girl from Bethlehem, detonated a belt full of explosives at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing 6 Israelis, and injuring 104. In in an interview prior to her suicide mission, Andaleeb Takafka said "when you want to carry out such an attack, whether you are a man or a woman, you don’t think about the explosive belt or about your body being ripped into pieces. We are suffering. We are dying while we are still alive." Andaleeb Takafka was from Bethlehem.
Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat October 4, 2003Hanadi Tayseer JaradatOn October 4, 2003, Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat, a 29 year old attorney from Jenin detonated a bomb in a restaurant in Haifa, Israel killing herself, 19 Israelis and injuring 50 others. Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat wrapped her waist with explosives and fought her way past a security guard at a restaurant. Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat was a single woman whose younger brother Fadi, a 25-year-old, and older cousin, 34-year-old Salah had been killed by Israeli forces in the raid on Jenin in June of 2003. Her family said she did not tell anyone where she was going and they assumed she was on her way to the law office in Jenin where she worked.
Wafa Idriss January 27, 2002 Wafa IdrissWafa Idriss was a nurse with the Red Crescent, the Palestinian version of the Red Cross. On January 27, 2002, the 28 year-old nurse walked into a shopping district on Jerusalem's Jaffa Road and detonated a bomb killing herself, an Israeli and injuring 150 others. Red Crescent Society officials said that Idriss had been on the front line of clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli troops, tending to the wounded. About two weeks before her suicide operation, they said, she cradled a 15-year-old boy, Samir Kosbeh, who was hit in the head by a bullet fired by the Israelis soldiers. The clash took place just outside the West Bank headquarters of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. The boy lapsed into a coma for a week, then died, two days before Idriss detonated her bomb. Wafa Idriss lived at the Amari Refugee Camp near Ramallah.
Zeinab Abu Salem September 22, 2004Zeinab Abu Salem Zeinab Abu Salem is the eighth Palestinian woman martyr to carry out a suicide bombing mission in an effort to liberate Palestine. Abu Salem, age 18, blew herself up near a hitch-hiking post in Jerusalem killing two Israeli border police and wounding 17 others. The blast tore through the mainly Jewish district of French Hill in Arab East Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed in a move not recognised internationally. Relatives of Zeinab Abu Salem had little time to absorb the shock. They rushed to empty the family home in the Palestinian refugee camp of Askar near the West Bank city of Nablus, expecting Israeli bulldozers to soon come to demolish it. "I don't know what's happening," said Abu Salem's 12-year-old brother Tarek, in disbelief that his sister had died. "I don't know where she is. She isn't at home." Family members said they had known nothing of Abu Salem's plans for the attack. Her father Ali, recovering from surgery to open clogged arteries, collapsed and was taken to hospital after learning of his daughter's death. Relatives said Abu Salem had just passed high school graduation exams and had spoken of entering university. Minutes later, Abu Salem's mother also passed out and was rushed to a local hospital. "Oppression is everywhere," said her uncle Mustafa Shinawi, 55. "Every Palestinian finds his own suitable way to protest the Israeli oppression."

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