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About Me

Rural People's Party: On Building Communism
The communism espoused by the Rural People’s Party is a human-based communism based upon striving for a practicable socialism according to our own material conditions and realities in North America. We believe that this can be achieved by forming strong cells and base areas guided by correct ideological line and fomenting a proletarian superstructure, rooted in physical infrastructure and manifesting in living outside of the environments of bourgeois poison. Communists need to be able to raise families guided by communism with firmly communist children, youth, men and women, attention to seniors and the ability to exist in an immediate communist environment of love and community. Guided by the highest ideals of communism, these cell and family units expand in ways beyond typical structures and are the building blocks toward a better way of life rooted in cooperation, sharing and the eradication of class division.
In order to serve the people and be a vanguard for communism, a communist organization must be able to clothe, feed, house and provide survival and community for it’s members as a building base toward larger and more ambitious communist projects. Communism must be spread from communism and communism is best learned by living. We believe that the best theory comes from practice and in line with the Juche idea we believe in acting with “single hearted-unity”, collectively, as befits communists, and relying on our own strength, resources and energy in the fight to build communism.
Guiding the ideology of the party is the revolutionary thought of Comrade Kim Il Sung (called Kim Il-Sungism), founder of masses-centred self-reliant Juche communism, and the practical model of People’s Temple socialism as espoused by Comrade Jim Jones. Rural People’s Party harnesses these potent theoretical lines which have proved their strength in the real-world arena. The revolution of the Korean people and the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea helmed by the Juche idea and further upheld by Songun Politics guides the ship of state of the strongest fortress of socialism and communism the world has ever known, which has held fast to it’s glorious people’s state and continues to make great leaps toward communism by the increasingly collective and unified nature of it’s people. We uphold the strength of the DPRK and celebrate it’s great vibrant existence, which gives us sight of the shining beacon of a communist society holding state power and executing politics in action which we can observe, fight in solidarity with, learn from and rejoice together with day-to-day in unity with these great people, the inhabitants of the socialist paradise of Juche Korea. We are interested in studying and applying the thought of Great Leader KIM IL SUNG and Dear Leader KIM JONG IL here on our own soil. This provides us with an opportunity like no other to learn about how communism manifests and provides us with a firmly independence-minded path to communism based upon our own material conditions and relying upon the revolutionary style of our country and era.
Peoples Temple provides us with a practicable model of North American-based communism that was able to raise itself to an institution with political power, people power and living revolutionary theories based on their own practice which is firmly rooted in oppressed traditions from this North American soil and the dynamics of which are appropriate to our fight inside the borders of U.S. Hegemonic Imperialism today. Peoples Temple represents communism utilizing in a revolutionary manner the human potential of thousands inside North America with an organization that was able to administer it’s own collective communist model sitting amidst three-thousand acres in Jonestown, Guyana with physical administration, medical and agricultural projects, security, ideological training, child-care, etc. We strongly uphold this most current of models representing communism in action and work within the party to learn and practice the beloved people’s socialism as taught to us by Comrade Jim Jones. Despite much disinformation concerning the Peoples Temple in circulation, the Central Committee of the RPP and the entire party has smashed with a red fist the lies spread against Peoples Temple and Jim Jones and offers everyone the opportunity to learn more via literature, cassettes, correspondence with party representatives and study on location at the Central People’s Commune of the party.
At the base of the RPP’s design for building communism is that which is the genuine focus of masses-centred communism: the masses themselves, the people, human beings. We stand for communism and we stand against the elitism and oppression of class society because we know that “god is love and love is socialism” and god is “no respecter of persons.” We stand under the slogan “The people are my god” and stand for “god in a body” (our fellow man) and fight for the only heaven to be had, the earthly paradise of communism. We fight for an equalitarian society where all things will be held in common and embodied and represented in a form of people’s power possessing authority, organization and administrative ability: from the people comes the party and from the party comes the state. We reject the root of all evil, the love of money which is capitalism and instead embrace love of the people and steadfast defense against the enemies of the people. In the Rural People’s Party our comrades are our focus and we invite you to join us in the spirit of communism and socialist love to reach together toward the Red Dawn that lies on the future distant horizon. Onward toward communism!
RPP/P.O. Box 84664/Lexington, SC 29073 USA
NOTICE: Serious inquiries towards candidate membership who do not wish to communicate through postal mail may contact the RPP electronically via the following email address: [email protected]
Please use a similarly encrypted email address when communicating with the RPP via this medium.
RPP Website: http://ruralpeople.atspace.org

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My Blog

Red Sun’s Day Juche 97: Rural People’s Party adopts Juche as the guiding ideology of the party

Red Sun's Day Juche 97: Rural People's Party adopts Juche as the guiding ideology of the partySpecial Section: http://ruralpeople.atspace.org/red_sun_day.htmNew central website: http://ruralpeople.ats...
Posted by RPP on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:20:00 PST

Why We Uphold the Rural Aspect: The American Situation in Context Pt. 1

Why We Uphold the Rural Aspect:The American Situation in Context Pt. 1Issued by the Steering Committee of the Rural People’s PartyThe dogmatists of all stripes think in a linear fashion. Communi...
Posted by RPP on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:33:00 PST

The First-World Fetishism

The First-World FetishismThere is a principal contradiction lingering in First-World communism& one of a vacillation between first-world and third-world fetishism. On the one hand we have first-world ...
Posted by RPP on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:54:00 PST

USSR News Agency article on Peoples Temple

To the Jungle from the 'Free World' -- TASS News Agency, USSRIn the Northwest part of Guyana, in the very heart of the jungle, the small town of Jonestown has been established. It is a town surrounded...
Posted by RPP on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 03:51:00 PST

LET THE NIGHT ROAR - Special Edition

Posted by RPP on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:30:00 PST

On "Nine Letters to Our Comrades" by Mike Ely

Your criticism of Avakian's personality cult is quite justified. Unlike the revolutionaries in India, Peru, Nepal and the Philippines, his party does not control base areas or run a people's governmen...
Posted by RPP on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:28:00 PST

US, a hotbed of nuclear war

US, a hotbed of nuclear warRead the press release from the AINDF Spokesman and comment of the RPP CC here: http://ruralmaoism.blogspot.com/2008/02/us-hotbed-of-nuclear -war_05.html...
Posted by RPP on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:32:00 PST

Songun Conference 2007

Posted by RPP on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:39:00 PST

Breaking Down the Four Olds, Setting Up the Four News

BREAKING DOWN THE FOUR OLDS, SETTING UP THE FOUR NEWSCentral CommitteeRural People's Party(Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)It cannot be stressed enough to all comrades that we, as communists, stand against in...
Posted by RPP on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:19:00 PST

Comrade Jim Jones in Defense of Stalin

COMRADE JIM JONES IN DEFENSE OF STALINJones: (unintelligible word) the life cycle, the life cycle of uh, revolutionaries over and over again repeat themselves. I'm not Lenin, I don't have that great ...
Posted by RPP on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 05:47:00 PST